Missions-Minded Students2021-01-07T13:09:09-06:00

Luncheon Dates

2021 Spring Semester

Dining Hall #1 at Hyles-Anderson College

January 19

February 16

March 16

April 13

Read the Latest Prayer Letters.

Jeremy Snipes Prayer Letter: More Laborers for His Harvest

May 12th, 2024|

This past week, we were able to send more laborers into His harvest, as we saw over 80 people receive a degree from Hyles-Anderson College. What a joy it has been to teach missions and Bible and invest our lives into these future servants of the Lord! As we serve missionaries around the world, God h [...]

Ron and Laura Back Prayer Letter Off to a Wonderful Start

May 11th, 2024|

God is so good! This year is moving so quickly! I have been preaching quite a bit recently for Pastor Popovich and also in the church plant in Sale, Victoria. Laura and I were shocked that it is already the end of April/beginning of May. The prison ministry, down in Sale, Victoria, has been going ex [...]

Jeremy and Sandra Barker Prayer Letter: What a Difference a Year Makes!

May 11th, 2024|

April 30 marked a full year that we’ve been on deputation. God has done a lot for us in that time, and there is a lot for which we have to be grateful. One recent example I am extremely grateful for is that our oldest child Carina followed the Lord in believer’s baptism on April 28 at Calvary Baptis [...]

Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: In the Homestretch!

May 10th, 2024|

Hallelujah! We are officially in the homestretch, with 75% of our support now coming in! We are so thankful for our Heavenly Guide, Who has led us down the deputation trail. I also am so thankful for my amazing wife Rachel and her dedication to our Lord and to caring for our family. Praise God for t [...]

Wes and Cynthia Palla Prayer Letter: Initial Phase for Next Church Plant

May 10th, 2024|

We thank the Lord for your faithful prayers and support. It has been an encouraging time to minister in this part of Brazil. We have seen souls saved and families added to the church since our last prayer letter, and while the days have not been without adversity, the Lord’s goodness is always evide [...]

Andy and Connie Richey Prayer Letter: When We All Get to Heaven, What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be!

May 10th, 2024|

Glory to God, as He is building His church through salvations and discipleship. It is always wonderful and fulfilling to see people’s lives changed and reshaped when the Holy Spirit enters their lives upon salvation. While our church continues to grow in number and spiritual growth, we are also slow [...]

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