Chris & Irene Williams2023-10-06T14:51:16-05:00




Chris Birthday 02/25
Irene Birthday 09/29
Chris & Irene Wedding Anniversary 06/06

I was raised in a Lutheran home. My pastor was an old-fashioned pastor and still taught salvation through grace but left the final step for you to take on your own. Speaking about salvation was just not done, as they viewed it as a personal thing between you and God. When I was seven, I attended a Vacation Bible School at the same church. It was after a story on the fiery furnace that I realized that I needed to be saved. After the class was let out, I stayed behind by myself, knelt at my chair, and trusted in Jesus and asked Him to save me.
My mother grew up as a Methodist and stopped attending church when she married my father who was a Catholic. My Mom’s family would invite us to Sunday school, and as kids we visited their church. I always remembered the happy songs and the sweet people we met there. Years later my youngest sister started attending a Methodist church and kept inviting me to go with her. A few months later, I finally went and heard the wonderful truth about Christ. That same day at the age of seventeen, I asked Jesus to be my Saviour.

In early 2012 after prayer, fasting, and pastoral counsel, we felt that God was leading us to join Team Peru. Being able to use my aviation skills on a mission field had always interested me. We will have the opportunity to utilize aviation in the future in Peru. With the skills God has given me through the years in mechanics, aviation, and education, I believe we are ideally prepared for this work.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
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Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


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Hammond, IN 46320

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Chris and Irene Williams Prayer Letter: Opposition in the Jungle

* * *TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. * * *

Chris and Irene Williams Prayer Letter: Opposition in the JungleA couple of months ago, we received a phone call from our missionary friend and partner in Ecuador. The Ecuadorian National Police, along with some military and air force personnel had suddenly showed up at the runway property with approximately 100 people and heavy equipment. They started digging ditches across our newly built runway and spent hours searching the property. They had received a tip that our new runway was being used to run drugs at night. They, of course, found nothing, and it was obvious that the runway had never been used. It later came to light that it was a nearby “church” organization that had made the false report because they do not want us there. They teach their people that anyone who teaches that salvation is through grace by faith is a demon. Satan does not want us to be there winning the lost to Christ! He almost lost the area 60 years ago but has been working to reclaim it. He is doing everything he can to stop us. It has taken over a month, but the runway has been rebuilt, and the certification process by the Ecuadorian government is almost complete.

It was obvious to us that God had a plan. The Sunday before this happened, there was a visitor at the church in Waco, Texas, where we attend while we are finishing the airplane. Her name was Paola, and we found out that she was a lawyer in Puyo, Ecuador. Puyo is right beside Shell, Ecuador, where Nate Saint was based, and is one of the closest “large” towns to us. She specialized in the legal processes for pastors planting churches and for missionary aviation groups flying and building runways in the region. We were able to get some advice from her and contact information for a similar lawyer in our canton (county), who helped us greatly in working through this situation. She said that in her canton, it would take about a year to get through the process. With her contact in our canton, it has taken about two months so far, and it is almost finished.

I have purchased replacement control surfaces for the airplane, the new instrument panel, and the first batch of instruments. We are 80% of the way to our goal with the airplane fundraising. As soon as it is finished, we will begin the preparations to fly it to Ecuador. I must admit that we have been somewhat frustrated due to the amount of time it has taken us to raise the funds and finish the airplane. Now, we are glad that we have not yet made it to Ecuador, as the government would have confiscated the airplane, and it may have been very difficult to get it back. God’s timing is always the best timing, and this was a good reminder. As soon as everything is legally finished, we expect that there will not be any further problems. We are currently lacking $35,000 to finish the airplane.

Late on the evening of my birthday, we received a phone call from my brother and mother. This was odd because it was late, and they live 2½ hours away from each other. They gave us the news that my dad was in the hospital, and the doctors had told them that if we wanted to see him again, we needed to get there soon. We left in the morning and drove straight through from Texas to California. We made it there in time and got to spend 2½ days with him before he passed. We will miss him here, but we are happy for Heaven. We are living his dream of flying in Ecuador to reach the lost, which, unfortunately, he was never able to do. I look forward to telling him all about our experiences when we join him in Heaven.

Thank you for faithfully praying for us and allowing God to use you to help provide for this ministry.

God bless you,

Chris and Irene Williams


Chris and Irene Williams Prayer Letter: Opposition in the JungleHace un par de meses recibimos una llamada telefónica de nuestro amigo y socio misionero en Ecuador. La policía nacional ecuatoriana, junto con personal militar y de la fuerza aérea, se presentó repentinamente en la propiedad de la pista con aproximadamente 100 personas y equipo pesado. Comenzaron a cavar zanjas a lo largo de nuestra pista recién construida y pasaron horas registrando la propiedad. Habían recibido un aviso de que nuestra nueva pista se utilizaba de noche para traficar drogas. Por supuesto, no encontraron nada y era obvio que la pista nunca había sido utilizada. Después salió a la luz que era una organización “religiosa” cercana la que había hecho el informe falso, ellos no quieren nuestra presencia. Adoctrinan a su gente que cualquiera que enseñe que la salvación es por gracia a través de la fe es un demonio. ¡Satanás no quiere que estemos allí, ganando a los perdidos para Cristo! Casi perdió el área hace 60 años, pero ha estado trabajando para recuperarla y está haciendo todo lo que puede para detenernos. Ha tomado más de un mes, pero la pista ha sido reconstruida y el proceso de certificación por parte del gobierno ecuatoriano está casi completo.

Para nosotros era obvio que Dios tenía un plan. El domingo antes de que esto sucediera, hubo un visitante en la iglesia en Waco, Texas, a donde asistimos mientras terminamos el avión. Su nombre es Paola y supimos que era abogada en Puyo, Ecuador. Esto está justo al lado de Shell Ecuador, donde tenía su sede Nate Saint, y es una de las ciudades “grandes” más cercanas a nosotros. Ella se especializó en los procesos legales para pastores que plantan iglesias y para grupos de aviación misionera que vuelan y construyen pistas de aterrizaje en la región. Pudimos obtener algunos consejos de ella y el contacto de un abogado en nuestro cantón (condado) que nos ayudó mucho a resolver esta situación. Dijo que en su cantón tomaría alrededor de un año completar el proceso. Con su contacto en nuestro cantón, se ha tardado unos 2 meses y ya casi está terminado.

Gracias a Dios pude comprar las superficies de control para reponer las originales, el nuevo panel de instrumentos y el primer lote de instrumentos. Tenemos el 80% de nuestra meta para recaudar fondos para la avioneta. Tan pronto como esté terminada, comenzaremos los preparativos para volarla a Ecuador. Debo admitir que nos hemos sentido algo frustrados por el tiempo que ha llevado reunir los fondos y terminar el avión. Ahora, nos alegramos de no haber llegado todavía a Ecuador, ya que el gobierno habría confiscado el avión y pudo haber sido muy difícil recuperarlo. El tiempo de Dios es siempre el mejor momento y este fue un buen recordatorio. Una vez que todo esté legalmente terminado, esperamos que no haya más problemas. Actualmente nos faltan 35.000 dólares para terminar el avión.

En la noche de mi cumpleaños, recibimos una llamada telefónica de mi hermano y mi madre. Esto fue extraño porque era tarde y viven a 2,5 horas el uno del otro. Nos dieron la noticia que mi papá estaba en el hospital y los doctores les habían dicho que si queríamos verlo nuevamente teníamos que llegar pronto. Salimos por la mañana y condujimos directamente desde Texas a California. Llegamos a tiempo y pasamos dos días y medio con él antes de que falleciera. Lo extrañaremos aquí, pero sabemos que lo veremos en el cielo. Estamos viviendo su sueño de volar a Ecuador para alcanzar a los erdidos que, lamentablemente, nunca pudo lograr. Espero poder contarle todas nuestras experiencias cuando nos unamos a él en el cielo.

Gracias por orar fielmente por nosotros y permitir que Dios lo use para ayudar a proveer para este ministerio.

¡Dios les bendiga!

Chris e Irene Williams

July 6th, 2024|Tags: |



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