Daniel & Misty Wilder2023-10-06T14:47:10-05:00




Daniel Birthday 03/27
Misty Birthday 03/08
Daniel & Misty Wedding Anniversary 07/21
Lydia Birthday 02/28
Charity Birthday 11/09
Emily Birthday 01/05
Hannah Birthday 04/20
Serenity Birthday 04/11

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Apartado Postal 78
Chimaltenango, 04001
Guatemala, Central America
Email Address




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #78.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


Daniel and Misty Wilder Prayer Letter: Answering the Macedonian Call

Daniel and Misty Wilder Prayer Letter: Answering the Macedonian CallThe Lord has provided a pastor for our new work in Zaragoza! Ricardo and Yuli Silvano are missionaries from Mexico, whom the Lord is using in a great way to reach the people of Zaragoza. The following story reminds me of Acts 16:9, “And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.” Melvin got saved during the pandemic while watching a service on television. Following the pandemic, he tried to find a Scripturally sound church but was unsuccessful. So, he started praying that the Lord would send a pastor to start a Bible-believing church in his town of Zaragoza. Would it surprise you that the storefront building we rented to start the Iglesia Bautista Monte Calvario was just 100 feet from his house? Would it surprise you that Pastor Ricardo Silvano knocked on his door and led Melvin’s son Manuel to the Lord? Would it surprise you that Manuel came to church and then brought his father Melvin? Would it surprise you that both Melvin and Manuel attend church faithfully, are being discipled, and want to follow the Lord in believer’s baptism? Praise the Lord that He once again answered the Macedonian call.

In our last prayer letter, I mentioned that after several years of praying, Donald Pérez received Christ as his Saviour. I am very excited to announce in this prayer letter that he also has followed the Lord in baptism. However, since Donald got saved, he has been suffering from several health conditions. Please pray that the doctors will be able to find out what he has and be able to treat him adequately.

Because of the coming rains, we urgently need to close our building to protect what the Lord has allowed us to accomplish so far from water damage. We still need to finish a small part of our metal structure, raise a few walls, and put on the last part of the roof. This will cost $25,000, of which $4,000 has already been raised by our church people. Please pray that the Lord will provide this need as He sees fit.

I would like to thank all of you who prayed for me while I recently underwent hernia-repair surgery. I have fully recovered, and the surgeon believes that the surgery was a success. I also took advantage of the operating room and had a lipoma surgically removed from my back. I figured, why go back a second time?

We are enjoying time with Lydia and Charity, as they are home from college for the summer. We are pleased that they have decided to prepare themselves for the ministry, but it sure is good to have them home.

His for souls,

Daniel and Misty Wilder
Lydia, Charity, Emily, Hannah, Serenity, and Benjamin

May 23rd, 2024|Tags: , , |



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