011-55-11-94465-9323 | |
608-721-0798 | |
781 South Beaumont Road PDC, WI 53821 | |
Rua Lagoa Brance 121 Jardin Umarizal, Sao Paulo 05755-150 Brazil |
Email Address |
juan.vallejo@fbmi.org |
Juan and Amy Vallejo Prayer Letter: Abounding with Blessings!
Thank you for your faithful prayers and support. We appreciate you as you serve the Lord faithfully in your local churches! It is evident that, with the continual influx of foreigners into the USA, America has become a very needy mission field.
Praise the Lord for a very Spirit-filled Soul-Winning Conference in October. On Saturday, our group of soul winners left early and witnessed for hours. We took gifts, candy, and snacks for needy children on our bus route. These 15 soul winners led 17 dear souls to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
After the Sunday morning service of the conference, we had the joy of giving groceries to a very needy single father. He and his daughter left for the park that day with empty hearts and went home with a heart filled with the love of Christ and arms full of food. We prayed for a miracle. Out of nowhere, a group of 40-plus teen boys on bikes came riding in. They came right up to our group and asked what we were doing there. I told them that I wanted to share with them how they could receive the gift of eternal life in Heaven. They listened with expectation as I explained how they could be saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It was a moment that God ordained, and the Holy Spirit certainly was at work, as they all responded to the Gospel!
I was invited by a pastor to preach in his church an hour away. We took a group of soul winners and prayed that we could encourage the pastor and his church. Before the service, we went door to door, inviting people to church and sharing the Gospel. We provided special music and preaching, and we were the ones who left rejoicing. It is a blessing to be a blessing!
We have prayed for Anita’s family for the past 16 years. Her son Diego came to church, and John (now a lawyer) was surprised to see his former high school student. Lucilene brought her 20-year-old nephew to church. David shared the Gospel with him, and he pulled up his sleeve to show cutting marks on his skin. They both had tears as David counseled this young man explaining that this was the result of a life without God and how we would help him grow closer to the Saviour.
A very strong cyclone quickly hit on November 3. We had two large trees fall and break our protection wall, leaving it open for animals and invaders. If one of the 25-foot trees had fallen in the opposite direction, it would have crushed the roof above where Amy and the kids were. Our lives are a vapor. We thank the Lord for His protection! We were out of water and electricity for several weeks. Even with the blackout in our city, people were so surprised to see the lights on in our church for services. We hooked up the wires to the truck! By God’s grace, we did not miss a church service, even with the electrical panel and outlets blown out from the lightening!
In December, we saw the fruit of the Holy Spirit in many church members abound in love for the Lord and one another. In one service, 10 visitors came, and we led 5 of them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The new converts are continuing to
make life-changing decisions for Christ. Many have mentioned how they were led astray by false teachings, which left them sad and lonely. They can now see the change that being taught sound doctrine has made in their lives, and they tell us how grateful they are. It was a real joy to celebrate Christmas in both churches, as each family brought a dish for the special meal and secret-friend gifts. Each year, memories are made. As Sueli said, I just don’t want to leave church; the joyful spirit and unity are so inviting.
Several years ago, Maria’s son Amancio asked us to pray for his grandson Caique’s health. God granted health, and he asked me to preach for a thanksgiving prayer service in his home, which many family members attended. He and his wife Vera have attended our church for some time. Recently, his family called me to preach his funeral. As I explained the Gospel, most of the family raised their hands indicating they had received the gift of salvation! I reminded the family of their father’s wish to have them in church. The following service, they were all there! A grief-stricken family entered crying and left with smiles, as they were encouraged by the Word of God.
My sons Juan and David and two young men in the church in Cotia are opening the services with a reading and devotional from Proverbs. Daniel is our new song leader, and David has begun preaching one Sunday night a month. In São Paulo, Sergio and Juan preach one Sunday night each month. Sergio often reminds us that several years ago, Amy and the ladies knocked on his door and invited his family to church. Praise the Lord for the work God is doing!
We appreciate your prayers for laborers to help with the ministry. This is our greatest need for the church-planting ministry to reach out farther! Please continue to pray for spiritual growth in both churches. Thank you for each prayer and dollar given for the work of missions! We appreciate you! May the Lord bless you, Pastor, your family, and your church.
In His service,
Missionary Juan Vallejo and Family
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