Paul Birthday 05/03
Jolie Birthday 02/15
Paul & Jolie Wedding Anniversary 08/21

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711

Paul Birthday 05/03
Jolie Birthday 02/15
Paul & Jolie Wedding Anniversary 08/21

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Ul. Grochowska 324/8
03-838, Warszawa




You can financially support us and our ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #49.


Subscribe to our prayer letters.


  • Paul and Jolie Sock Prayer Letter: Holiday SeasonJolie is improving more and more. She helped a lot with organizing the church’s Thanksgiving dinner. An Indian lady in our church came and helped prepare two turkeys and pumpkin pie and one Polish lady made a turkey. We fed about 25 people at our event.

    We’ve had a lot of visitors in the last few months. One young Polish lady, who was born in South Africa, came one night. She was led to the Lord and said she wanted to be baptized immediately. We are planning a baptism for a young man this Sunday. Our Christmas Sunday dinner had 35 people in attendance. Everybody had an encouraging time, and some of the ladies got gifts from my wife. We had a wonderful New Year’s Eve service with a Bible study and prayer time, along with refreshments, games, and fireworks.

    A Polish man living in Germany visited; he comes to Poland often. He brought his wife, his three sons, and his mother. We gave his children presents. We had a surprise visitor arrive on New Year’s Day. It was a Mexican pastor from Mexico City, and he came to minister to Ukraine. However, he did not receive a visa to go there, so he ended up staying here in Poland and being a blessing to our church. He preached on Sunday morning and afternoon. The next day, he went to a special refugee house with some of our Polish people and me and afterward visited more refugees living around the area. He will be here another week and will speak this Thursday and Sunday again.

    We have a young girl, age 16, who got saved and is coming to our church. She rides a bus one hour to get to our church. She is very zealous to grow in the Lord and serve and has already seen the need to make changes in her lifestyle to conform more with God’s Word.
    We’ve had a young man coming to our church for some time who is really zealous for the Lord. Because there are not many churches that teach the truth in Poland, he left his city at the age of 19, which is about 6 hours away, and came to Warsaw. He has lived here for almost 6 months now and has really made some great leaps of faith. His dad is very active as an organist in the Catholic church, and his mother serves in the Catholic church as well.

    We’ve been having a lot of visitors due to a man in our church who started doing YouTube videos. He got a lot of Polish millennials interested through that. We just started putting our sermons back online again. Many of these young men live very far from our church, and because they are only able to come to our church once a month or every couple of months, they need good sound doctrine in their language.

    More than conquerors,

    Paul & Jolie Sock

    Published On: January 10th, 2025Tags: , ,