In a few days, Lana and I will celebrate our 49th wedding anniversary. It so happens that the beginning of December also marks the anniversary of my resignation from the Navy 36 years ago to begin full-time missionary service. This second milestone reminds us of you all, the faithful pastors, churches, and friends who have prayed for us and supported us financially over the years. What a journey it has been . . . together!
To focus on our decision to set aside my professional career to serve as missionaries would be to ignore what God had done up to that point. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, it would be wise and helpful to praise God in this letter for His gracious and loving guidance through the most critical seasons in our lives.
• He provided exceptional parents, soul-conscious Christians from my youth, who were faithful in church, supported missionaries, and modeled effectively a balanced and wise Christian life.
• He gave the faith to believe Matthew 6:33, guidance to the right church in medical school, where I met Lana, a Godly and beautiful student nurse. He patiently prepared us and then led us to marry, and Lana’s been such a precious, Proverbs 31 wife ever since.
• From the age of five, the Lord’s influence has been very real for good and for His service. He gave me a desire to know Him, obey Him, and serve Him. His Spirit didn’t let me rest until the Gospel became clear to me in the Navy, I saw my lost condition, and I trusted Jesus as my Saviour. Ever since, He’s been a faithful and true guide.
• He immediately transformed me. Then, through the example and leadership of pastors, teachers, and true friends, He prepared us in the Navy and then as we served in churches, the bus ministry, and on missions trips.
• He clearly called us to serve during a Missions Conference at our home church, directed us to a mission agency, and has led through all the “course corrections” that we’ve made since then. We praise God for all the wise, Spirit-filled leaders He’s provided to help us on this journey.
• He provided you, our faithful, praying, supporting friends and churches, who stayed with us as the Lord’s service led us to Mexico, Nicaragua, Michigan, and eventually to Indiana. My dream of a lifetime to serve people, churches, and missionaries worldwide became an ongoing reality.We continue to see evidence of God’s supernatural work through prayer, the preaching of the Gospel, and as God opens doors of service. Thank you once again for your priceless, faithful support.
One reason for this letter to be written is to encourage those who read it to believe God, to trust Him, and to obey Him wherever He might be leading. He is still calling people to pray, to give, and to go. His service is a wonderful journey.
With deep gratitude and great joy,
Dan and Lana Siemer
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