Daniel & Rachel Solt2024-01-12T13:13:55-06:00




Daniel 6/17
Rachel  2/25
Anniversary 9/14/19
Ruby 12/19

My parents Dave and Marybeth Solt landed in England in the fall of 1996, and a few months later I was born. At the age of four, I recognized my sin nature, and asked God for salvation…a few years later I followed Christ’s example through baptism. While growing up, I was privileged to join in multiple ministries with my parents from church planting to teen activities and children’s programs.

After graduating high school, I enrolled in Hyles-Anderson College with the goal of developing a media career. It was during the missions conference my freshman year, God spoke to me, and revealed His perfect plan for my life. Matthew 14:17-19 says, “…We have here but five loaves, and two fishes. He said, Bring them hither to me…” Christ’s response to Andrew turned my plans upside down. Following His lead, I surrendered my life to him, changed my college major to missions, and began the path to serve Him full time in the mission field.

Rachel was born and raised in the beautiful state of Montana. At the age of seventeen, after hearing her youth pastor teach a lesson on Hell in Sunday School, Rachel got her salvation settled. She surrendered her life to the Lord in 2014 at a summer teen camp while hearing a sermon on the will of God. It was also the same year that she felt God leading her to attend Hyles-Anderson College.

God brought us together during our first semester of college, and a few months after graduation we got married. Together with Rachel, I have served in the bus ministry of FBC as a captain, CDL trainer, and junior church superintendent leading up to deputation. In the fall of 2021, we visited England together for the first time as a family, and God solidified His calling on our lives to return as full-time missionaries.

– Daniel

Upon returning to England, we will be serving at my father’s church in Preston, England, a city with a surrounding population of over 200,000 people. Lord willing, we plan on building a children’s program and teen department, along with participating in outreach, discipleship, media efforts, and establishing a Bible institute. We are excited about and looking forward to the new opportunities God has in store for us once we have adjusted to being on the mission field as a family.

– Daniel

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


Phone Number
Email Address
Personal Website




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #214.


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Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Learning to Cling More to the Lord’s Hand

Daniel and Rachel Solt Prayer Letter: Learning to Cling More to the Lord's HandSeptember was a month of adjustment and learning how to better cling to our Lord’s hand. God has been so gracious to us, and we give all praise to Him! Thank you for so many messages of well wishes and prayers. God’s people are the best! The first weekend of the month, I traveled down to Jefferson City, Tennessee, to be with Pastor Campbell and Faith Baptist Church. At the end of the morning service, the power went out during the altar call. During the confusion, I was able to lead a visitor named Kevin to accept Christ as his Saviour. Praise the Lord!

Our family has been incredibly supportive on both sides! I spent ten days in New England for meetings (see pictures), and during that time, Rachel’s mother flew to Louisville, Kentucky, to help take care of Rachel and Ruby and also to attend one of Rachel’s doctor’s appointments with her. My grandparents in Louisville were wonderful hosts to them. We are so grateful for God’s providence!

After returning from New England, we headed to Lancaster, Ohio, to join the Wednesday evening service at Lighthouse Baptist Church. Pastor Manning and the congregation were such a blessing! We then attended the 50th Missions Conference at Bible Baptist Church in Grove City, Ohio, where we experienced so many kind gestures toward our family. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude! Rachel and Ruby were especially encouraged, as this will be their last meeting with me before Andrew’s birth.

After our meetings in Ohio, we all flew out to Missoula, Montana, to settle Rachel and Ruby in at her parents’ house. Again, our family has been amazing! I then flew back to attend a Missions Conference in Terre Haute, Indiana, with Bible Baptist Church, yet another memorable time on the deputation trail!

Soul Report

By God’s grace, I had the opportunity to witness to seven people, and two accepted Christ as their Saviour. While in Londonderry, New Hampshire, I spent three days out soul winning with two staff members from Victory Baptist Church. After much sowing, I had the joy of leading a man named Deontae to Christ! I also shared the Gospel with a man named Casey, who let me use his grandmother’s Bible, which he keeps in his truck’s glove box.

Family Update

While I was in Montana, I was able to take Rachel to her first appointment with her new doctor. There are some good signs being shown regarding Andrew’s growth. Thank you for your continued prayers! We just published our quarterly update video. You can view the video online, or you can scan the QR code below.

Our support soared again this month to 96%! We are now four churches away from being fully supported. God is so good! Thank you, friends, for your faithfulness to pray, give, and go! Let’s press on for Jesus!

Ruby’s Adventures

Ruby is enjoying the opportunity to wake up and play at the same place on a daily basis. She loves Papa & Grandma’s house! Her new favorite activities are to go outside and swing on the swing set or play in the sandbox!

Prayer Requests

1. For opportunities to present the Gospel
2. For a safe pregnancy for Rachel and Baby Andrew
3. For safety as I travel solo throughout the East and West Coasts in October
4. For Rachel’s visa

For His glory,

Daniel, Rachel, Ruby, and Andrew Solt


October 18th, 2024|Tags: , |



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