Caleb & Abby Amoros2023-11-21T10:22:53-06:00




Caleb Birthday 9/15
Abby Birthday 07/30
Caleb & Abby Wedding Anniversary 04/01
Aria Birthday 09/19

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


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8127 Linden Ave
Munster, IN 46321
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Caleb and Abby Amoros Prayer Letter: Full of Gratitude

thumbnail of Caleb Amoros May 2024 Prayer Letter – AmendedWe are encouraged to see many answered prayers, as the Lord has one more time proven His faithfulness and power through the work He has called us to do for His glory! It truly has been a busy season for our family’s deputation trail and for our ministry on the field to help and encourage missionaries. As we write this letter, we are full of gratitude for how much God has allowed us to accomplish with your prayers and financial support. The harvest is truly plenteous, and we are honored to partake with all the laborers that God has raised for His kingdom.


We continued our deputation journey with Pastor Ken Jones at St. Clair Baptist Church in St. Clair, Michigan. It was very encouraging to see how God is working through this new church plant and their heart for missions. We proceeded then to travel southeast to attend a special missions service with Pastor Brent Sexton. We had a great time of fellowship while presenting our ministry to this dear church family. Pastor Brent is doing a wonderful job in helping this ministry move forward. Our next meeting was with Pastor Todd Poynter in Greenwood, Indiana. Their church family was very generous to us and refreshed our spirits to keep moving forward. As a young missionary, it was encouraging to see how the Lord has blessed Pastor Poynter’s faithfulness in Greenwood over the years.

We then had the privilege to be with Pastor Ron Hon and Lighthouse Baptist Church in Marion, Indiana; they were a great blessing to us. It was also special to partner up with Missionary Evangelist Jim Belisle; he has had a key role in helping us develop our ministry. Many decisions were made at this conference, and the church family had a very welcoming spirit. For the first time, we had back-to-back Missions Conferences. After leaving Marion, Indiana, we headed north to Michigan and were a part of the conference at Heritage Baptist Church. Pastor Smith had a kind spirit. We had the joy to meet and spend time with Missionary Evangelist Danny Whetstone. We then finalized our deputation trail for the month at Roanoke, Indiana, with Pastor Tarr. This was a very special meeting to us, as we preached and sang for their special church service and spent time with Pastor Tarr and his wife. The vibrant youth group at their church was a true blessing; they have a heart to serve the Lord!

Missionary Evangelistic Work

This month was a big step for our ministry, as we hosted our first ever Family Camp in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, with 4 different churches and missionaries (the recap video is on our
ministry Facebook page). It was extra special for our family, as I invited my parents to help us with the teaching and preaching time. God brought together extra laborers to help our team with this camp. We had a group of 16 adults ministering in this camp. The Lord allowed us to see 16 salvations during a special evangelistic outreach. Missionary Osmin Gutierrez shared with us that it was an encouraging and edifying time for his family and church!

After the camp, we headed south to Sabana Grande, Honduras, and hosted a Youth Rally for Missionary Samuel Hodges. God met with us in a special way and gave us a sweet time of revival with the youth group. Many of them rededicated their lives to the Lord.

Salvation, Answered Prayers, and Prayer Request

I had the privilege to lead Johnathan to the Lord during door-to-door soul winning in Marion, Indiana. My heart rejoiced, as I had a teenage boy from the church with me, and before exiting the vehicle, we prayed for the Lord to lead us to someone with an open heart. Just a few moments later, we were at Johnathan’s doorstep, presenting the Gospel to him. Another sweet opportunity was with a young man named Ronnie, who worked at one of the hotels where we stayed. I had the chance to sit with him in the front lobby of the hotel and find out that he had already trusted Christ for salvation but was away from the Lord. After almost an hour of discussion and sharing Bible Scriptures with him, he sweetly prayed to rededicate his life to the Lord.

Please help us pray for a safe and healthy delivery, as my wife is due next month, and pray for profitable meetings during our deputation trail.

Yours for souls,

Caleb Amoros
Missionary Evangelist

May 17th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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