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219-779-5260 |
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8127 Linden Ave Munster, IN 46321 |
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As we look back on 2024 and see all that the Lord has done, we are encouraged and humbled to see His hand upon our ministry and lives. The Lord has been faithful in opening doors and providing for our family and the ministry that He has called us to do.
Dominican Republic Gospel Crusade
We had the opportunity once more to host a Gospel Crusade in the Dominican Republic. The Lord provided a wonderful team of volunteers to serve in music, children’s services, a Youth Rally, and soul winning. By God’s grace, we preached the Gospel to over 600 souls and saw 311 of them accept Christ as their Saviour. During the last service of the week, the Holy Spirit impressed upon my heart to preach a message on “What Is an Evangelist?” from the life of Philip in the book of Acts. It was humbling to see the Holy Spirit use our team during the song service and the preaching time. We were able to see revival, as 5 Haitian men surrendered to the call of evangelism, along with many answers to prayer. We are looking forward to partnering with Missionary Biz Lerisse to train these men to reach many Haitians with the Gospel.
Missionary Marriage Retreat
A big answer to prayer the Lord gave us in 2024 was to host our first Missionary Marriage Retreat. Growing up on the field, I saw firsthand the pressures and battles that missionaries and their wives go through. The Lord burdened our hearts to develop a retreat where ministry leaders could be encouraged and edified. We praise the Lord for the 36 pastors and their wives who attended the retreat. Help us pray as we seek the Lord’s provision and direction to host more Marriage Retreats for our brothers and sisters serving overseas.
Upcoming Missionary Evangelistic Work & Prayer Requests
We have a busy calendar for 2025 and are encouraged to see the Lord’s direction and answers to prayer. Please help us pray for the following trips this spring:
1. Nicaragua – survey trip for a potential Marriage Retreat and serving with a national pastor
2. Dominican Republic – follow-up work from last year’s crusade and training student evangelists
3. Peru – a 15-hour weeklong Bible institute class on “The Life of Christ”
4. Profitable meetings and safety for our deputation trailIn Christ,
Caleb Amoros
Missionary Evangelist
We write to you with a heart full of joy and gratitude towards God’s people for their care and love displayed to our family in this season of our mini [...]
We have once more experienced the Lord’s guiding and helping us these last two months, as we have continued in the work and ministry to which He has c [...]
To say that the Lord has helped and guided us in these past weeks is a big understatement! It is very encouraging to see the Lord confirming the minis [...]