As I close out the year, I want to thank each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support. This year, I was once again able to take 9 trips to 9 different countries. Your prayers and financial support were what made all of these trips a reality.
Jamaica in February
Linda was able to come with me as I visited Missionary Oral Anderson and his family. During my stay there, I ministered to his church family in his regular service. I was the speaker for their Valentine Banquet as well.
Philippines in March and April
I preached for one Filipino pastor and 4 missionaries. I also visited with another 3 missionary families. I traveled a total of 20,000 miles on 12 flights and 1 boat ride to 6 locations in 2 weeks. I saw at least 6 saved and baptized.
Guatemala in May
I was with Missionary Angel Lopez and his wife Noemi. I preached a revival in a nearby city, where Bro. Lopez plans to see a church started. I also preached in his regular services. At least 3 people got saved.
Puerto Rico in May
During my time in Puerto Rico, I drove over 700 miles so I could visit 3 missionaries: Missionary Roberto Tirado, Missionary Jerrod Montgomery, and Missionary Luis Martinez.
Mexico in August
I took 2 trips to Mexico in August. I preached for Missionary Chris Sage in the city of Yurecuaro. He and his team had been helping a new church plant for 9 weeks. They asked me to preach the last Sunday they were at the church. We saw 40 attend each service, with 3 getting saved. I was able to visit the facilities of Missionary Luis Ramos and then preach for Missionary Sam Robles at his Missions Conference. I was told that 9 souls got saved during the meetings and that the church committed to doubling their giving to missions. On my second trip to Mexico, I was with Missionary Jonathan Bryan in Zacatecas. I preached his Missions Conference and visited in another church he helped establish.
Gabon in September
I preached at 2 churches established by Missionary Fisa Mihy-Mihyndu. Fisa is originally from Gabon and went back there after living in the USA for 19 years. It was a blessing to go soul winning (and see folks saved) with Fisa and his people. They are zealous for souls.
Argentina and Uruguay in October
I was with 5 different missionaries, 4 in Argentina, and 1 in Uruguay. I preached for Ben George at his new church he had just started in September. I taught at Bethel Baptist Seminary and preached at Bethel Baptist Church for Larry Owens. Brian George helped me out by interpreting many sessions and messages for me. I then preached the anniversary service for Joshua Owens in the city of Termas. There were 300 in attendance, with at least 20 receiving Christ as their Saviour. I also visited Tim Simmons. He and his wife and family will be starting a church soon.
Nigeria in October
I preached at a Soul-Winning and Leadership Conference in Port Harcourt. This conference was hosted by Missionary Dave Maskey. I visited with another 3 missionary families as they honored me on my birthday.
I finished the year by helping and participating in our church’s Live Animal Christmas Show. We saw over 5,000 people attend the 10 showings in spite of an ice storm on the Saturday we had 3 showings. Hundreds were saved through this ministry.
May you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please pray for my 2025 schedule, which already includes 4 trips.
Your servant,
Missionary Evangelist James Belisle
As I mentioned in my last letter, I went to Gabon in September to be with Missionary Fisa Mihy-mihyndu. Fisa, who is originally from Gabon, came to th [...]