James & Linda Belisle2024-01-02T15:03:58-06:00




James Birthday 11/01
Linda Birthday 07/22
James & Linda Wedding Anniversary 06/30

Missionary Evangelist: Offering services as an evangelist to missionaries and national pastors around the world. Has worked in 22 countries for the past 20 years in the areas of evangelism, starting churches and training of pastors.

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


(319) 461-3321
909 South 11th Avenue
Washington, IA 52353




You can financially support our family and ministry by giving here online, or you can mail checks to FBMI, 507 State Street, Hammond, IN 46320, and designate your giving to Missionary #147.


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James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Mexico and Missions Conferences

James and Linda Belisle Prayer Letter: Mexico and Missions ConferencesAfter my busy schedule in the first six months of the year, I was in the States during the month of July. I was able to take four trips to other countries and preach in Missions Conferences here in America during those six months. I continue to go soul winning in our area when home. As any soul winner knows, only a fraction of people you lead to Christ get baptized. It is always a blessing to see some who will obey the Lord in this area. Earlier this year, I led a young man to Christ in the city of Muscatine. About one month later, he came to church and gladly got baptized.

When home and teaching in the French International Class at our church, I often mention salvation and baptism. Lebrun got saved years ago while serving in the military in his home country. As a result of the Sunday school teaching, he came to me wanting to get baptized. Then I had the wonderful blessing of baptizing my own granddaughters. Both grandchildren got saved a while ago and decided to let grandpa baptize them. Praise the Lord! While doing some work around the house during my time at home, a couple of SolarPro workers stopped by the house trying to get me interested in solar power for our home. Though I did not sign up for the solar power, I did get a chance to lead one of them to Christ. The other young man claimed salvation but did not realize the promise of eternal security. He was pleased when I shared what the Scriptures said about that subject.

The beginning of August saw the beginning of a stretch of five foreign meetings that will take me to four countries. I took two trips to Mexico in August to visit four different missionaries. On my first trip, I was with Missionary Chris Sage in the city of Yurecuaro. A team of workers he had assembled had been in this city for nine weeks helping with starting the church. I was blessed to preach the last Sunday of the nine-week campaign. God blessed with 40 in attendance for both services, with 3 getting saved. I was then able to visit the ministry of Missionary Luis Ramos in San Luis Potosi. From there, I took a bus to Guadalajara to be with Missionary Sam Robles and his brother Elim. I taught about missions in the college and then preached their Missions Conference. I was told that 9 souls got saved during the meetings and that the church committed to doubling their giving to missions. My pastor and five of our members arrived there for that same weekend. We had a wonderful time of fellowship. On my second trip to Mexico, I was with Missionary Jonathan Bryan in Zacatecas. I preached a Missions Conference at his church. What a blessing it was to tour the orphanage they have operated for years and to be in two of the churches they have started since being in Mexico. Jonathan and Laura Bryan are the type of missionaries you want to support.

Please pray for me. I will be leaving for Gabon, West Africa, on September 17. Once I return, I will head down to Argentina and Uruguay to be with five missionaries. I finish the year’s foreign travel with a trip to Nigeria the last week of October.

Your servant,

Missionary Evangelist James Belisle

September 9th, 2024|Tags: , , |



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