Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat

Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Resurrection Sunday

By |2022-05-10T13:47:24-05:00May 8th, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

Throughout February, I taught on God’s love, and we had a special little service for our church members on the 13th for Valentine’s Day. Right after Valentine’s Day, we again had to stop meeting together for services. COVID cases began to i [...]

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Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: A Great Christmas and New Year’s

By |2022-02-02T10:00:12-06:00February 3rd, 2022|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

I trust everyone had a wonderful Christmas and beginning to the New Year. All December, we were quite busy. We started off with a football competition for the youth at a rented field, and later that week, we had a Christmas party/reward cer [...]

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Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: We Are Thankful!

By |2021-11-20T08:28:19-06:00November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

As November is commonly the month people give thanks for the blessings God has given them during the year, we would like to share somethings we are thankful for. We are so grateful for everyone who has supported us financially and with pray [...]

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Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: God Turns Dead Ends Into Opportunities

By |2021-08-26T12:22:39-05:00August 28th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

The past few months have been full of up-and-down or start-and-stop moments. In June, we were fully moved into our new building, and everyone was enjoying worshiping together in our bigger, nicer place. We had all of our chairs full and som [...]

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Teerapat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: A Few Months of Firsts

By |2021-06-01T15:53:35-05:00May 31st, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , , |

A Few Months of Firsts A pastor from my hometown village requested me to preach and help lead in the vows for a couple’s wedding, because he isn’t very good in Thai and the bride was Thai. This was the first wedding ceremony I was privilege [...]

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Teerapat Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Redeeming the Time

By |2021-03-18T12:22:16-05:00March 19th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16) January and February brought us in and out of lockdown a few times, and meeting in large groups was not permitted. In February, the coup in Myanmar began bringing a new worry [...]

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Teerapat Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Thanksgiving and Christmas Joy

By |2021-01-21T18:55:36-06:00January 10th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

When November comes around, my wife often asks the students she tutors what they are thankful for. Ping Ping, a 10-year-old girl who has been learning with my wife for about six years now, said that she was thankful for Jesus because she wa [...]

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Teerapat Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Slowly Getting Back to “Normal”

By |2020-10-06T14:26:06-05:00October 8th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , , |

We are so grateful to be living in a country where the COVID-19 situation has greatly improved. Besides fever checks and mask wearing in public buildings, life has slowly gone back to “normal.” Since July, we have all been meeting together [...]

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Teerapat Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Serving God During the Virus

By |2020-07-01T16:36:30-05:00July 2nd, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

By God’s grace and mercy, even during a time when places and cities have been shut down and curfews put in place, we had many opportunities to reach out to people. At times, I feel like we are busier now than we were before the lockdown. We [...]

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Teerapat Phaisarnpiwat Prayer Letter: Visitors and Baptism Sunday

By |2020-04-01T15:55:27-05:00April 1st, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Teerepat and Tiffany Phaisarnpiwat|Tags: , |

We had a great start to our New Year, celebrating with our family and church family. On New Year’s Day, we gathered at church for a thanksgiving/prayer service to ask God’s blessing on the New Year. We praise the Lord for our health and str [...]

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