Xavier Lopez Family

Xavier and Rebecca Lopez Prayer Letter: Searching for New Location, Souls Saved, Baptism, and Prayer Requests

By |2021-08-01T14:11:30-05:00August 1st, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

The month of May and part of June, we were still dealing with lockdowns, curfews, and strict regulations in Bolivia. It was sobering to hear about different missionaries, Bolivian pastors, and friends dying or suffering severely because of [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Learning to Lean, Thank You for Praying, Souls Saved, and Prayer Request

By |2021-04-14T14:00:48-05:00April 15th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support that have helped God’s will be fulfilled through our lives. As God has led us, we have had to learn to adapt to different circumstances, which at times have made life more interesting and exci [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: First Soul Saved of 2021, Back In Bolivia, Answered Prayer, and Prayer Requests

By |2021-02-02T21:08:35-06:00February 4th, 2021|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

Thank you for investing your time in prayer for our family and our ministry. Thank you also to those who gave extra financially during the holidays. In the bank of eternity, your generosity will be rewarded with eternal dividends as we work [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Preparing to Return, Winning Souls

By |2020-11-14T18:19:34-06:00November 15th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support for our family and ministry. The last step to take before returning to the field is to renew both of our daughters’ passports. We have already turned them in and are expecting to receive them [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Patiently Waiting and Serving

By |2020-08-30T15:28:49-05:00September 1st, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

I have been waiting and hoping to write a prayer letter telling that our family is already back in Bolivia preparing to start our next church, but the country continues to extend its closure because of the Coronavirus. In the meantime, we a [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Update During Coronavirus Lockdown

By |2020-05-23T16:14:09-05:00May 25th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

Through February and into March, we continuously traveled to preach and present our ministry. It exhausts me just to consider how furiously we drove for days at a time to make our schedule. The coffee-fueled, boundless miles spent together [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Abigail’s Salvation, Soul Winning, and God’s Blessing

By |2020-02-18T23:52:33-06:00February 20th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , , |

The last day of October 2019, our precious Abigail was born into the family of God. She began asking questions concerning salvation until we were convinced that she was ready to be saved, so I took my Bible and carefully led her to the Lord [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Souls Saved, Answered Prayer, and Prayer Requests

By |2019-12-26T19:49:27-06:00December 27th, 2019|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

The beginning of September found our family in Indiana where I had just preached. My in-laws, Clarence and Chong-Chi Moore, who have been missionaries in Korea for decades, were back from Korea in Washington State. Our great desire was to v [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: God’s Faithful Provision and Protection

By |2019-10-27T16:00:13-05:00October 27th, 2019|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , |

Thank you for caring and supporting our family and ministry. Because of your faithful prayers, we have seen God provide for our needs and protect us during our travels. Our furlough has also turned out to be a great learning experience for [...]

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Xavier Lopez Prayer Letter: Answered Prayer, Ordination Service, Souls Saved, Prayer Requests

By |2019-07-19T21:36:44-05:00July 20th, 2019|Categories: Prayer Letters, Xavier Lopez Family|Tags: , , |

Thank you for investing time and prayer in our family and ministry. In return, I pray God blesses you richly for your concern for those He has called to the mission field. Your “Ministry to Care” encourages and helps us do our part in God’s [...]

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