About Mark Holmes

Missionary in Nigeria serving with FBMI since 2002. Sent out of Faith Baptist Church of Gulfport, Mississippi.

Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: U.S. Milestones and Nigeria Return

By |2022-09-29T19:04:21-05:00October 1st, 2022|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

On August 18, we returned to the field to begin our 18th year as FBMI missionaries in Nigeria. For the first time as a family, we endured four flights, but everyone adjusted well, and God has kept us healthy. Missionaries Graham and Olivia [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Advancements During Absence

By |2022-07-23T17:06:53-05:00July 24th, 2022|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

The main reason for this furlough, Joseph’s high school graduations, took place during the third week of May after a brief “senior trip” in our nation’s capital upon our arrival from Nigeria. Mark Joseph, Jr., walked with Abeka Academy and [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: New Missionaries and New Travels

By |2022-05-13T20:28:53-05:00May 16th, 2022|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

We were truly privileged to help three new missionaries adjust to living and serving in Nigeria last year. In 2022, the Lord is adding a fourth couple, this time from Vision Baptist Missions. Graham and Olivia Young, along with their Africa [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: 20 Years of Ministry Updates

By |2022-04-16T14:03:44-05:00April 18th, 2022|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

With this ministry update, I am completing 20 years of writing prayer letters; we sent out our first mailing four months before starting full-time deputation. Throughout our initial two years of fundraising and communicating in the U.S., we [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Guests and Opportunities

By |2022-01-25T14:32:12-06:00January 24th, 2022|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

As is the case with many of our prayer letters, this one begins similarly with a report of two successful Soul-Winning & Leadership Conferences in Port Harcourt and Ibadan. Evangelist Jeff Walters flew directly to Port Harcourt and prea [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: A Lot of Firsts

By |2021-11-24T18:33:42-06:00November 25th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

During our 17th year of service in Nigeria, we continue to see encouraging firsts throughout our ministry. On September 16, 25 pastors joined me to dedicate with prayer the first-ever, fully equipped production studio for our independent Ba [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Welcoming a New Missionary

By |2021-09-12T17:03:13-05:00September 15th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Miraculously, we are well on our way to pulling off six Pastors’ Conferences, three youth camps, and two seminary semesters in 2021. The fourth of our scheduled Soul-Winning & Leadership Conferences was successfully held during the seco [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Project Progress and Conference Success

By |2021-07-21T17:20:30-05:00July 23rd, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

The month of May allowed me the first opportunity to be a part of two of the six pastors’ conferences that we have planned for this year (I missed one in February before we returned to Nigeria). Truth Baptist Church hosted the 12th Annual S [...]

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Mark and Sabrina Holmes Prayer Letter: Revivals and Projects

By |2021-05-10T19:05:10-05:00May 13th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In March, our ministry was happy to welcome a guest preacher for the first time since January of last year. Pastor Dan Callaghan of First Baptist Church of Yuba City, California, preached Truth Baptist Church’s 6th Spirit Renewal Meeting. T [...]

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Mark Holmes Prayer Letter: Return from Furlough

By |2021-03-05T11:00:44-06:00March 8th, 2021|Categories: Dr. Mark Holmes Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

I am writing this letter, having my whole family with me in Abuja. We had several delays in our return due to required tests for travel; but, thankfully, we finally arrived on February 19. The longest furlough of our ministry was fruitful o [...]

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