Gregg and Angela Schoof Prayer Letter: Furlough TravelsWe have been very busy traveling these two months while on furlough. We have traveled from Florida to Indiana to Maine. The new radio station in Burundi is doing well, but it is expensive. We are sending about $1,000 per month to Burundi to keep everything operating, so as we travel, we are looking for new churches to take us on for support. A few have promised to take us on, but we still need more churches to help cover this big monthly expense.

Again, the radio station is doing well. People are getting saved and joining the church, but please continue to pray for Burundi. There are no Baptist missionaries there and only a handful of good Baptist churches in the entire country. The need truly is great there!

Please enjoy the picture of Pastor Rama meeting with some visitors to the church. They and many others got saved while listening to the radio and have started coming to church. About every week, there are visitors because of the radio station. I don’t know who took the picture, but please forgive him for being so cockeyed.

I am now preparing to go back, and I am purchasing some radio equipment to take to Burundi: headphones, headphone amplifier, voice processors, TRS connectors, wires, PC connections, volume attenuators, and more. All in all, it is about $2,000 worth of equipment; it adds up fast! I want to thank Pastor Noonan in Milwaukee for a very generous gift that covered that and more.

In July, we were in Hammond, Indiana, for Missions University and Youth Conference. All of our kids had a great time and helped everywhere they could. We all helped with setup, Caleb drove a bus, and Hannah helped with the HAC table. It really is “more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35) I am so glad our children have developed the spirit of giving in their lives.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

In His service,

Gregg, Angela, Virginia, Micah, and Zachery Schoof

FBMI Missionary Gregg Schoof Prayer Letter Picture

Pastor Rama meeting with some visitors to the church