Micah and Abbie Christiansen Prayer Letter: Great Results from SMITE!Thank you for praying for Abbie’s delivery of our fourth child. MaryAnne Hope Christiansen was born on June 15, with no complications, and Abbie has been recovering faster from this birth than from any of the others.
The following week was our SMITE camp, where we train people how to use Bible Clubs to reach children with the Gospel. I had the great privilege of teaching over 60 campers how to give the Gospel to children using an illustrated booklet.

One of these campers was a young man from Togo who attended our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference last year. I am always excited to see our church’s influence expand to new places. Please pray that God would use our ministry to influence more churches throughout West Africa to become effective, soul-winning ministries. Please also pray that God will use this year’s Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference, which is August 15–18. Our theme is “How to Grow Your Church.” I will be teaching four sessions on children’s ministry, so please pray that God will use the teaching to help these churches see more children saved and growing up to serve God.

There have been many encouraging results from the SMITE training. A teenage boy from one of our daughter churches went home and witnessed to his mother. Another camper led his little sister to Christ. One of our bus captains saw a camper from his route give a thorough Gospel presentation to four children, all of whom chose to put their faith in Christ. This teenager had not been able to give the Gospel before SMITE. More people from our church are getting involved in Bible Clubs. We have three Bible Clubs running at the same time right now, and we are working to expand these into a consistent Bible Club Ministry to involve our church’s youth in more productive soul winning. Please pray for us in these efforts.

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Jedidiah, one of our Fundamental Baptist Academy students, had asked me to talk to his little sister about how to go to Heaven, so one Saturday I went with some teenage boys from our church to visit the family.

One of the teenagers witnessed to the little girl, while I witnessed to Jedidiah’s older sister Rita. It took about two hours for Rita to understand how it could be possible that our good works play no part in our salvation, but she finally was ready to confess that her efforts could do nothing to get her to Heaven and that Jesus’ payment for her sins was all she needed for salvation.

The little sister did not understand the Gospel, but the grandma heard much of what I told Rita. The grandma’s English is limited, so I am not sure how much she understood, but I could tell she was following parts of it. Please pray as we follow up with this family.

Yours for souls,

Micah Christiansen