Mike Birthday 03/03
Maria Birthday 02/04
Mike & Maria Wedding Anniversary 06/28
John Birthday 07/06
Joy Birthday 11/04
Faith Maria Birthday 11/20
Benjamin Birthday 04/01

First Baptist Church of Hammond
507 State St.
Hammond, IN  46320
(219) 932-0711


1973 Reesedale Road
Elliston, VA 24087
Mike Sarver (0236852615)
FBMI Ghana
PMB Kumasi
Ghana, West Africa





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  • Mike and Maria Sarver Prayer Letter: A New Ministry?The people of Ghana are so open to the Gospel. Here is some good news about several Ghanaians who received the Good News recently.

    The Power of an Invitation

    Several months ago, Maria invited a lady to church by handing her a Gospel tract. That lady went home and encouraged her oldest daughter Augustina to start attending our church, and she did. Augustina, age nine, even started attending all of our services. We give her a ride home now after our evening services. Augustina came to my wife and said, “Mrs. Maria, would you please come and talk to my mom about Jesus and how to go to Heaven?” Maria went to their home in October and won Augustina’s mother Deborah to Christ.

    We thank the Lord for how He is working in this family. Augustina has been saved and baptized, and she has enrolled in our Christian school. Deborah was baptized on February 2, and she has been attending our Sunday school class. Augustina’s two younger sisters also come on Sunday mornings. All of this is a result of the use of a Gospel tract. Praise the Lord! I hope this encourages you to carry and hand out Gospel tracts.

    A New Ministry?

    A few weeks ago, I needed to send one of our Christian school teachers her salary by “mobile money” (similar to Zelle). I was in a hurry and typed the phone number incorrectly, thus sending the money to the wrong person! Immediately, I called the number, and, praise the Lord, the person spoke English well. I told Simon, the man who answered, of my mistake, and at first, he thought I might be trying to scam him. After I convinced him that I truly am a missionary to Ghana, Simon sent the entire amount back to me. Again, praise the Lord! But the good news does not stop there! I found out that Simon attends a university in a city where our Bible college graduate, Pastor Rexford Aning, serves, and I got the two men connected. Pastor Rexford was supposed to witness to him the following Saturday, but that fell through. However, the next day, I received this message from Pastor Rexford: “Simon could not make time yesterday. He [kept] his promise to be in church this morning. His background is Seventh-Day Adventist, yet he joyfully accepted the Gospel. He expressed interest in learning more.” Amen! (Below Pastor Rexford is pictured on the left with Simon.)

    Maybe I should start a new ministry called the “Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters” Ministry where I send money to people at random and call them to try to get the money back and use it as an opportunity to share the Gospel. If you have any prospects for me to reach out to, please let me know—I’m joking, of course. To God be all the glory for this! Sometimes He uses us in spite of us.

    Prayer Requests

    Keep praying for our Sunday school class members to grow in grace and for the Lord to keep sending the right students to our Bible college.

    Thank you for your prayers and support!

    Mike, Maria, Joy, Faith, and Ben Sarver

    Published On: March 5th, 2025Tags: ,