Again this month, we are introducing you to another generation of men preparing to serve the Lord. For one week each month through our Bible college, we are helping train for the ministry some of the converts reached by pastors trained and sent out by our church.
John Carr
Brother Carr was won to Christ by our graduate, Isaac Kwaw. For a while John went soul winning with Brother Kwaw while still a member of a church which preached works salvation. Eventually Brother Carr both enrolled in our Bible college and joined Pastor Kwaw’s church. Brother Carr has almost completed his diploma at our college.
Isaac Owusu Ansah
Isaac was reached by Pastor Jonas Osei Owusu. Brother Jonas pastors the Fundamental Baptist Church of Kuntanase. We would call Fundamental Baptist of Kuntanase a third-generation church plant because it was started out of one of our first church plants, the Fundamental Baptist Church of Adwafo. Another third-generation church is Fundamental Baptist Church of Jachie, which meets at a school for the disabled in Jachie. Several of the handicapped people are members of this church. Brother Isaac pastors this congregation and has even brought them to our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference, as pictured on the right.
Prince Amponsah Kuoko
Prince just enrolled in our college in September. He is a great student. He was reached by our graduate, Isaac Akwaboah, who pastors City Baptist Church near Agric, Kumasi.
Paul Adummatu
Paul was reached through the Fundamental Baptist Church of Adwafo, which is pastored by our graduate Collins Agyei. Paul just enrolled in our Bible college in September, and he is very excited about what he is learning. Pastor Collins is now pastoring two churches simultaneously—one at Adwafo and one at Bekwei. Pastor Collins hopes that Brother Paul will one day be able to oversee the church in Adwafo.
Edem Ametepe
Edem was reached through the ministry of Pastor Philip Gafatsi. Their church is the Fundamental Baptist Church of Sokode in the Volta Region. Edem was introduced to our ministry when Brother Philip brought him to our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. He enrolled in our college for the first time in October.
Michael Naab
Michael was reached through the Jesus Only Baptist Church of Kuntsu, Ashanti Region. The other men in this update serve in their home churches and just attend our Bible college five days each month, but Michael is different. Instead of just coming for a week each month, he decided to move into our college dormitory, join our church, and immerse himself in our church’s ministry and teaching. He is involved in the Bus Ministry and serves as an usher. He is learning basic maintenance during the weeks that he is not in classes.

Fundamental Baptist Church of Jachie with Dr. Mark Bosje and Dr. Ted Speer