Israel Alvarez Prayer Letter: Clear Evidence of God’s Wonderful Hand of Blessing

By |2021-03-16T16:57:21-05:00March 17th, 2021|Categories: Israel Alvarez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Greetings again from our beautiful country of Belize! As you are well aware of, it has been exactly one year since churches closed for the first time due to the Coronavirus. Looking back to last March, we never could have imagined just how [...]

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Josh Hedderman Prayer Letter: God Opens Doors!

By |2021-03-04T11:43:22-06:00March 7th, 2021|Categories: Josh Hedderman Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

So . . . happy March? Did January and February really pass that quickly? Hope all is well in your part of the world! We are a blessed people here in Perú. As I write this letter, it’s a Sunday afternoon, and I am sitting at home on my couch [...]

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Chris Williams Prayer Letter: Evangelistic Meetings

By |2021-02-13T19:27:25-06:00February 16th, 2021|Categories: Chris and Irene Williams, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you for your continued prayers and support. Your faithfulness is a great encouragement to us! During the months of October and November, we continued to help with the distribution of food at the church in Chorrillos. We gave out 300 p [...]

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Jerry Wyatt III Prayer Letter: Christmas at Faith Baptist

By |2021-01-21T19:29:03-06:00January 5th, 2021|Categories: Jerry Wyatt III Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Missions Sunday We recently had our Missions Sunday. Our church folks were very excited to start supporting a Ghanaian pastor as he reaches people for the Gospel. I preached on the importance of getting the Gospel to where we cannot go. Ple [...]

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Mark Rader Prayer Letter: Food Drives

By |2021-02-04T10:19:56-06:00December 18th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

In September and October, we still moved forward through a strict quarantine here in Peru. September began with a Pastors’ Conference, which Team Peru hosted online. The conference began Tuesday night and ended Friday night. We had preachin [...]

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Dave Solt Prayer Letter: Time Rolls On

By |2020-11-26T09:39:45-06:00November 27th, 2020|Categories: Dave Solt Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

I am sure you have never had such a year in your life as this one. It is amazing that it is nearly over, and we are soon moving on to 2021! We are still in lockdown in England. The government has again directed all the churches to shut thei [...]

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Chris Williams Prayer Letter: Virtual Pastors’ School

By |2020-11-16T18:26:54-06:00November 18th, 2020|Categories: Chris and Irene Williams, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Greetings to all of you who are reading this prayer letter. We pray that God will protect you and guide you during these trying times. Thank you for praying for us! This year due to COVID-19, our Pastors’ School was held virtually. There we [...]

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Josh Hedderman Prayer Letter: Make Known HIS Deeds!

By |2020-11-11T12:03:21-06:00November 13th, 2020|Categories: Josh Hedderman Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Happy (almost) Thanksgiving!! I was reading in Psalm 105 this morning, and Verse 1 says, “O give thanks unto the LORD; call upon his name: make known his deeds among the people.” He truly has been good! What I love about writing letters lik [...]

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Mark Rader Prayer Letter: Food Drive

By |2020-10-21T11:48:14-05:00October 22nd, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

Here in Peru, the work continues. Our services continue online. We continue forward with daily devotionals, prayer meetings, soul winning, and other outreach meetings and events. Until the end of June, we were prohibited from leaving the ho [...]

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Ricardo Leyva Prayer Letter: God SHALL Give the Increase

By |2020-10-09T19:18:47-05:00October 12th, 2020|Categories: Prayer Letters, Ricardo Leyva Family|Tags: , |

August The month of August was one of those months where you know you did a lot, but it showed so little! You witnessed to many people, but only two of them got saved! You invited many people to church, but only one actually showed up! You [...]

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