Daniel Lang Prayer Letter: Thankful for the Faithful!

By |2020-01-19T14:59:39-06:00January 19th, 2020|Categories: Daniel Lang Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

“Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.” (Psalm 101:6) This past year, we’ve had the opportunity to be with and get to know so many faithful people [...]

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Montana Morrow Prayer Letter: Impacting the World for Christ

By |2020-01-10T22:38:04-06:00January 12th, 2020|Categories: Montana Morrow Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

November brought new challenges to deputation, with Kellie staying in Iowa because of class while I traveled alone in Michigan and Indiana. I enjoyed a great Missions Conference at Lakecrest Baptist Church in Waterford, Michigan, with Pasto [...]

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Andres Nunez Prayer Letter: Please Pray for Venezuela

By |2020-01-09T14:14:08-06:00January 10th, 2020|Categories: Andres Nunez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers. We are doing well. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all! Our best wishes to you for 2020. May the Lord bless us all. My wife is still in the States. Please keep praying for her; she is wai [...]

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Jon Wrightson Prayer Letter: Opportunities to Share the Gospel

By |2020-01-09T12:52:55-06:00January 10th, 2020|Categories: Jon Wrightson Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Family December has been a wonderful month, aside from all the sickness. Everyone in the family but me came down with a flu-like bug over Christmas, and they are still trying to get completely well. Thankfully, we still got to enjoy being w [...]

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Angel Lopez Prayer Letter: New Bible Club Starting

By |2020-01-08T22:48:42-06:00January 9th, 2020|Categories: Angel Lopez Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: |

TENGA EN CUENTA: La carta en español sigue a su carta en inglés. Gracias. "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith . . . ." (Hebrews 12:2) I want to begin by wishing all of you a Happy New Year full of opportunities to share [...]

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Garry Tingson Prayer Letter: A 2020 Vision for Australia

By |2020-09-01T14:38:57-05:00January 9th, 2020|Categories: Garry Tingson Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Happy New Year! The year 2019 was a great year for us. I remember when I first thought of doing deputation. I remember sitting in my pastor’s office talking about how the Lord was calling me and my family back to the country of Australia to [...]

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Go Oishi Prayer Letter: Our Last Year in America

By |2020-01-02T12:56:15-06:00January 2nd, 2020|Categories: Go Oishi Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

All praises to our King! Much like last December, God has allowed us to end the year with a full and fruitful calendar. We are once again thrilled to share with you the dividends of your faithful prayers and financial giving, as well as giv [...]

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James Belisle Prayer Letter: Measuring God’s Work

By |2020-01-08T21:45:14-06:00December 20th, 2019|Categories: James and Linda Belisle, Prayer Letters|Tags: , , |

The last two trips I took this year reminded me that God’s work is not measured in years, but in decades. Let me just share with you the thoughts I had these last two months while preaching for missionaries and pastors in the countries of N [...]

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Go Oishi Prayer Letter: Now Supported by Over 50 Churches!

By |2019-12-11T22:04:09-06:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Go Oishi Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

Glory to God! God has given us another fruitful month, both in terms of souls won and support raised. It is hard to believe that one year ago, we had a nearly blank November, with only two scheduled meetings on the calendar and one of those [...]

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Montana Morrow Prayer Letter: Tanzania Update

By |2019-11-15T12:17:26-06:00November 15th, 2019|Categories: Montana Morrow Family, Prayer Letters|Tags: , |

What’s New? We have traveled hundreds of miles from north to south in the past two months. We began our journeys southward through Texas, visiting the Bible Baptist Church of Rendon. Pastor Winkle made us feel so welcome, and we enjoyed get [...]

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