Isn’t God good all the time?! What blessings He has poured out on Evelyse and me over the past few months! He has been so faithful as we strive to serve Him. Thank you for your prayers for us. We continue to wait on God and His timing for the paperwork for Evelyse’s adoption. It is looking like it might still take quite a few years, but we know that the Lord is able to do exceeding abundantly above all things that we ask or think, so we will wait and pray and hope and work and wait. It has been a busy several months. I hope this update is a blessing.
In March, I was asked by a missionary couple to do a Bible English Camp for their church up in Mae Sai, a town about 16 hours away on Thailand’s northern border. BEC is a VBS/English Camp-type program, which I developed several years ago, that we have had great success with here in our church in Hua Hin. What a trip! I took two of our faithful widows and four of my Heavenly Treasures teen girls with me to help run the camp.
It was the church’s first time to do an outreach like this into the Thai community, as their church primarily works with Burmese people living in Thailand. They were hoping maybe 15-20 kids would come. The first night, we had 25 kids, and it only grew from there. On the last night, students and parents alike were asking us to please extend the camp. We had to return home, but the missionaries have been able to continue the English and Bible teaching on Saturdays ever since, and they currently have over 30 students coming faithfully each week. Praise the Lord!
We also praise the Lord for the several people we were able to see saved on our way up to Mae Sai and back: a snack seller at a petrol station, two fruit-stand sellers on the side of the road, and two housekeepers at the Airbnb we stayed at during the camp, among others. Everywhere, there are people willing to listen to the Gospel if we are willing to take the time to share it. Click here to read one of my Facebook posts from that trip that will surely be a blessing to you.
Over the next several months, 82 nights out of 96 to be exact, our house became like an Airbnb itself, as we had the privilege of hosting several families and individuals. These included the Saint Jomhong family and the Kampai Vixaysack family, both of whom are missionaries our church here in Hua Hin supports. Then there was a fellow single-lady missionary who runs a small orphanage. She and her Thai ministry partner came for a much-needed break. Next was a friend who was hosting a young teen girl on her first missions trip. Followed by that was my mission board director and his wife, my dear friends, and two of their children. Besides those who stayed in our home, we were able to host various dinners and game nights for our staff and other visiting groups. Praise the Lord, He has provided us with a lovely home that we can use to serve Him.
Serving the Master joyfully,
Shari House
- Visiting group from First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana
- Saint Jomhong family
- Evelyse and I
- A snack seller at a petrol station got saved.
- Our BEC kids!
- Two housekeepers at our Airbnb got saved.
- Kampai Vixaysack family
- Four of my Heavenly Treasure teen girls, two of or faithful widows, Evelyse, and I went to Mae Sai to conduct a Bible English Camp.
- Caroline Daniel and a young friend on her first missions trip
- A seller at a fruit stand got saved.
- Two ladies who run a small orphanage