We invite you to rejoice with us for God’s mighty works. Since our last prayer letter, hundreds have been saved in the different ministries of our churches, and scores have been baptized. We also have several new families that have come to visit our churches. Glory to God!
After several weeks of praying and raising money, we took a group of 36 people to Youth Conference in Mexico City. We thank all of you who contributed. We had new teens and teens who have been attending our church since childhood. Some of these young people will be leaving our youth group this fall to attend Bible college. What a joy it is to see the open hearts of these youth! They all made decisions for Christ.
We also took a group from our church to help one of our men, Bro. Arturo, with his new church here in Guadalajara. Bro. Arturo told us of some new apartment buildings that had just been built two years before. Our group went through these buildings inviting and announcing an upcoming street meeting. We had a group of 270 people come to our outdoor meeting, and Bro. Arturo preached the Gospel to them. Hundreds were saved, and Bro. Arturo gained many new prospects for his church.
We also helped one of our other men, Bro. Jonathan, with his new church. Our group went out on the streets inviting people to Bro. Jonathan’s Wednesday evening service. Over 80 people came to the service. The children met in the living room of one of his members. The adults met on the street under some tarps. It was such a blessing to help these two new church plants, which our men have started!
We will be leaving for the States this month to leave our son Robert II at Bible college. He has been such a blessing to our ministry! He has led singing, taught Sunday school, taught in our Christian school, played the guitar, violin, and xylophone in our orchestra, and won hundreds of souls to Christ. He has worked on our routes and preached with me on the streets. He knows he wants to pastor but is unsure of where yet. Please pray for guidance for him.
Please pray for more laborers for our ministry. Pray for the two churches that I pastor and for the two churches pastored by the men whom we have sent from our church. We are praying for you.
In His service,
Robert Wilson
- Bro. Jonathan’s adult church
- Robert Wilson II
- Bro. Jonathan preaching to the adults
- Bro. Jonathan’s children’s church
- Our Youth Conference group
- Bro. Arturo preaching to 270 people on the street