We have completed our seventh month on the field! Here’s what has gone on since our last letter.
Fall Festival
Even though we don’t have an autumn season here, we decided to host the First Annual Fall Festival for our English Sunday School classes. There were many who attended, and everyone loved all of the activities, food, and preaching! I am so thankful we were able to jump right into these ministries the week we landed in country.
New Building
In May, the church held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new building project. The construction workers have worked extremely hard to get this building completed. Lord willing, it will be finished by the end of January.
Bible Studies
November’s Bible study was a huge success. There were many new faces present, and I was able to share the Gospel with many of the teen guys! Kellie made over 50 corn dogs using her corn dog maker. Many of these teens had never had corn dogs before, but they had seen them in movies or on the internet. The class has a great spirit as God continues to bless.
For December’s Bible study, we decided to host a Christmas party with a gift exchange, food, and Christmas caroling around town. Then we ended the activity at a local ice cream parlor, where we got to sing for the entire shop. It was a lot of fun for everyone!
Landing Zone
By the end of the year we were able to pour the foundations and supports for the shipping container. As of January 7, it has arrived in the harbor; and, Lord willing, we are just a few weeks away from its arrival. I know Kellie is excited to be in our own home finally after almost four years of our nomadic life.
Ladies’ Meeting
The church tries to have a local Ladies’ Meeting once per month in different villages. Usually, it is at a church member’s home, and we reach the local area. For this meeting, we had it at the church, and over 120 ladies were present. We gave out presents, ate cake, and had a great challenge presented by Mrs. Wyatt, followed with the Gospel given by Pastor Wyatt. Kellie also donned her new uniform and was able to help out with planning some fun games.
Christmas Time
The Christmas season was filled with all sorts of parties and activities. All three of the English Sunday School classes worked really hard to put on a program for their families. There was singing, two plays, and a visit from Santa, where every kid got a present. Landon was not a fan of Santa, but he still got his gift.
On Christmas Day, we had a church service before going home for lunch. It is a wonderful way to celebrate our Saviour’s birth as we gather with the body of Christ!
New Year’s Eve
On the last day of 2021, we gathered at the church for a potluck dinner and fellowship. There was a whole program planned all the way until midnight. We had everything—games, videos, slideshows, food, and preaching. Pastor Wyatt asked some of the young men he has been mentoring to preach for a couple of minutes each. I happened to be in the office while they gathered together to pray for one another before their sermons. It is encouraging to see God work in the future generation of Faith Baptist Church.
New Year – New Goals
As we begin 2022, we look forward to what God has planned. We praise Him for the many souls saved and baptized in 2021. It is truly an honor to be in the center of God’s will for our lives. We started serving in the ministries here within days of getting off the plane and have seen so many blessings. This year we are encouraged and more determined than ever to see new growth, both numerically and spiritually.
Here are the decisions that have been made this past year:
- Salvations 2,193
- Baptisms 56
Thank you for your support in both prayer and finances. We pray that God will also bless your ministry in this new year!
Your missionaries to Tanzania,
Montana, Kellie, and Landon Morrow

Landon was not too fond of his visit with Santa this year!