The month of May was a busy one for Highland Baptist Church. We hosted a Youth Camp that included teens through college age. It was a time to encourage our youth and singles to continue to love and serve the Lord in this world. Because of the COVID protocols, we only invited the four churches that we helped to start. There were 39 campers who attended; the campers really enjoyed their time with the Bible preaching, Bible teaching, and Bible memorization. Please pray that the campers will continue to follow the Lord and be faithful in His Word.
Recently, while out soul winning, I met a security guard named Marlon. Marlon was only in our city for 15 days for temporary work. His hometown was two hours away. When I met him, he had been in our city for a week. He worked 7 days a week from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. When I knocked at his dorm, he looked very busy and was doing his daily chores, but after a few minutes, we both sat down with a Gospel tract. After 45 minutes, Marlon bowed his head and called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray that Marlon would be able to find a local New Testament church in his home area.
One of our single ladies just went to Thailand as a missionary helper. She will be helping a Filipino missionary family that we have financially supported for 14 years. Please pray for Sister Jennie as she takes part in winning souls and helping to disciple ladies in the country of Thailand.
Bro. Ryan is one of our Bible college graduates. He helps every week in a local church about an hour away from our own church. Bro. Ryan helps with the soul winning, playing the piano, and organizing the choir specials. The church just had their first church anniversary, and we thank the Lord for the 56 people who attended their anniversary service and for the souls that called on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. The photos in this letter are of the one-year anniversary service.
Your missionaries to the Philippines,
Mark and Kim Palmani
Anastasia, Rachel, and AJ
- One-year anniversary of a church plant where one of our Bible college students helps each week
- One-year anniversary of a church plant where one of our Bible college students helps each week