Luis and Carolina Martinez Prayer Letter: Soul-Winning OpportunitiesMatthew 19:14 says, “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” I pray that when you receive this letter, you are doing well, along with your family and loved ones. My family and I are doing very well and would like to thank you so much for being a part of this ministry. We love Puerto Rico and are so blessed to be serving the Lord Jesus Christ in such a needy place.

It’s always difficult for me to speak at funerals, especially during tragic moments. Recently, I was able to speak at two funerals. The first funeral was for the mother of one of our church men, who was robbed and killed in her home; she was 84 years old. The other was for the son of one of our precious families. I was able to give the Gospel at both funerals and at the cemetery. Family members raised their hands as a testimony of salvation. I was able to witness to both funeral directors. One of the funeral directors, by the name of Carrasco, put his trust and faith in Jesus Christ. The other funeral director came to church but was not ready to be saved.

A man from our church by the name of Melvin asked me if I would drive an hour with him to the hospital because he was burdened about his coworker and friend. He had tried witnessing to him but couldn’t get it across to his friend and wanted me to witness to him. I went with Melvin to the hospital and shared the Gospel with Francisco and his relatives. Francisco and two others asked Jesus to save them. Two weeks later, Francisco went into the presence of the Lord.

Easter Sunday was very well attended, and souls were saved. I’m thankful that both churches are doing well and continue to grow spiritually and in number. Please be in prayer for our upcoming church anniversary. We are working hard and inviting people for this special day.


• Pray for our church growth and its ministries.
• Pray for our upcoming church anniversary.
• Please continue to pray for the health of our daughter Carolina Raquel.

May God continue to bless you as you serve Him faithfully. Thank you for your love, prayers, and faithful support. We are blessed to serve Jesus in Puerto Rico because of you. God bless you.

In Christ,

Luis M. Martinez
I Timothy 1:12