A few days before I started writing this letter, the state of Maine, my home state, got hit with a bad windstorm, resulting in power outages. While I was praying for the numerous companies and crews trying to fix all of the damages, it got me thinking about us as Christians and our relationship with Christ. Before we knew Christ as our Saviour, we, too, were without power. “Great is our Lord, and of great power . . . .” (Psalm 147:5) I praise the Lord that He is the reason to celebrate this season and for His almighty power in defeating our sin.
October was a busy month. I started in Sanford, Maine, at their Missions Conference. We missionaries had the opportunity to speak to the students in their Christian school chapel on Thursday and Friday, and during the remainder of the conference, we got to know so many folks and their children. The next two Sundays, I was in Worcester and Woburn, Massachusetts. It was a joy to speak with their children in Junior Church and to hear the adults’ testimonies. In the midweek services, I was blessed to pray with the ladies at my home church’s prayer meetings. I finished October in Jeannette, Pennsylvania, at their Missions Conference. I had the opportunity to work with their Christian school students on their missions art/writing projects. The conference was a great time of fellowship with their members. On October 18, my mom had hip-replacement surgery. My dad and I had the opportunity to pass out tracts and share the Gospel with many of the hospital staff. It was a joy to connect with those who weren’t from America. My mom would tell them about my being a missionary and then I would get to explain the Gospel side of it, because they thought I was an NGO.
Would you join me in praying for my car? The maintenance comes up in February. Will you pray that the mechanic and I will have wisdom regarding how to fix something for the inspection?
In November, I continued in Pennsylvania, but a little farther north. It was great to hear the children’s questions about the African animals and to meet their parents and other folks in Polk, Pennsylvania. The next weekend, I was in Caldwell, New Jersey, being a part of their Missions Month. I enjoyed fellowshipping with their members and hearing other missionaries. That middle Sunday, I had the opportunity to give an update in the morning service at my home church. I shared my testimony in the evening service in Orono, Maine. At the end of November, I had the blessing to share in West Branson, Missouri, with the adults at prayer meeting and children during their intro time.
On the first Sunday of December, I got to hear testimonies of folks and meet members in Turner, Maine, who have had an influential part with my team in Ghana. It was a joy to hear their Sunday school children’s questions and to talk with the teen ladies.
This Christmastime, I will be in Maine helping with the Hampden, Corinth, and Capehart Christmas parties in their Bible Clubs, as we tell the children about the best news ever. I pray that each of you and your families have wonderful Christmas and New Year’s celebrations.
Praise the Lord
- Many opportunities to share the Gospel and pass out tracts
Please Pray
- Vehicle maintenance
In Christ,
Larae Hoff
- Singing in West Bronson, Missouri
- Chapel in Sanford, Maine
- Questions and answers in Auburn, Massachusetts