The Lord has been so unbelievably gracious to us over the last few months! All of the churches that we have been privileged to start have been increasing in attendance. As we go out and knock on doors to share the message of Christ, a number of people have been making decisions for salvation. To the right is a picture of one of the churches on a normal Sunday afternoon. God is so good! In a different church, we already had to purchase 48 new seats just to accommodate more people. This is a work that only God can do! So as the great hymn says, “To God be the glory; great things He hath done!”
In our last prayer letter, we mentioned three young children who were living in extreme poverty in a shack out in the middle of a field. We have been praying diligently for them for more than a year. The children love the Lord and had the desire to be in the children’s home; but, of course, that decision is left up to their parents. Thankfully, I was contacted by the parents, and they made the decision to place their children in the home. The kids are now so happy to be in school and be fed regular meals. The best part of it all is that many Sundays, the parents attend our church as they try to fix things in their physical and spiritual lives by seeking God.
As I have mentioned before, the children’s home ministry was not something we had planned on when we came to the mission field 20 years ago, but it quickly became very clear that God had other plans. He began to bring some very needy and abused children our way. God opened the door, and He provided the finances for the home. We now have 18 children, and we ask that you would remember to pray for them as you continue to pray for us.
• Please pray that God would guide us in the next steps for our ministry here in Mexico.
• Also, pray specifically for protection for two children, Jonathan and Bernice. Their mother is a drug addict, and just recently, she forcefully removed her children from the home.
• Lastly, pray for growth in the spiritual lives of our brothers and sisters here in Zacatecas.
His servants by His grace,
Jonathan & Laura Bryan
- Three young children living in extreme poverty are now part of our children’s home.
- One of our churches on a normal Sunday afternoon–our churches are growing by leaps and bounds!
- The three young children are thriving since they moved into our children’s home.