Our last scheduled meeting in August was at Maranatha Baptist Church of Bethany, Oklahoma, for their annual Missions Conference. I met Mike on Thursday morning while soul winning in the area with Caleb, a member of the church. Mike appeared to be a young man in his twenties and was in the passenger seat of a car in the parking lot of an apartment complex, waiting for someone. I was able to lead him to Christ while Caleb talked with the occupants of the apartment. Unfortunately, before I could go over discipleship information, the driver came back and peeled out of the parking lot. Our family tried going back on Saturday but could not locate Mike; however, the occupant of the apartment, Torah, said she was interested in attending the church. Please pray for Mike’s spiritual growth and for Torah.
My wife met Rick while soul winning in the same area with Caleb’s daughters. Sandra didn’t have the opportunity to witness to Rick; however, he did express an interest in riding the bus to church. Sandra and I followed up with him on Saturday, and I was able to lead him to Christ. Rick is 65 and retired; he lives alone, as his wife passed away 18 months ago after battling cancer. Although Rick did not end up riding the bus on Sunday, he did promise to come soon and probably bring his brother Ray. Please pray for Rick to follow through with this.
Lee is 22 and attends another Baptist church in the area; however, he didn’t think anyone could know for sure they would go to Heaven. I was able to show him from the Bible that he could know, and he accepted Christ. The church he usually attends had an event that he was going to go to with family; however, he said he would visit Maranatha soon.
Aeryel is a 26-year-old mom who answered the door with her two-year-old daughter. Aeryel was very receptive to the Gospel and accepted Christ. All six in our family rode the bus on Sunday, and we picked up Aeryel, along with her three children Zamaya (age five), Zamarra (age two), and Glaniah (age eight months). Areyel got baptized and was introduced to Pastor Domelle.
We ended the month at our home church of First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, for our Commissioning Service.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry, & Alex Barker
- Aeryel is getting baptized.
- Some of the ladies of First Baptist Church are praying over Sandra at our FBMI Commissioning Service.
- With Pastor John Wilkerson and FBMI Director Mark Bosje at our Commissioning Service
- Our entire family rode the bus to church with Aeryel, Zamaya, Zamarra, and Glaniah
- Some of the men of First Baptist Church are praying over me at our Commissioning Service.
- With Pastor Allen Domelle of Maranatha Baptist Church in Bethany, Oklahoma