Jeremy and Sandra Barker Prayer Letter: Meeting New Friends!The month of September had a lot of driving for us, as we were invited to share our ministry in Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Michigan, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. One of those meetings was Bible Baptist Church of Grove City, Ohio, where our family participated in a town-wide parade and helped the church pass out over 2,500 tracts. Carina, Barrett, Henry, and Alex had a blast riding along in a golf cart and throwing out candy near the end as I walked along. Later on in the month, we were all out soul winning in a mobile-home community near First Baptist Church of Geneseo, Illinois, when we knocked on the door of Sue and were invited inside. I had our daughter Carina with me, and after conversing for a bit in the living room, the opportunity to share the Gospel presented itself, resulting in Sue trusting Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Amen!

Our visa interviews were actually in October; however, some have asked about it, so I’m including it here. After our scheduled Missions Conference at New Hope Baptist Church of Leesburg, Georgia, we headed to our interview in Atlanta with 530 pages of documents, which the church had graciously allowed us to print, only to find that we needed to leave and come back with an additional 264 pages worth of documents. We were also 1 document short; however, because we had everything else and were not local, they agreed to allow us to email that 1 document as soon as I got it from Nigeria. The process took 3½ hours, and at this point, everything is in. Please pray that everything gets approved. Lastly, please pray for wisdom with housing in Nigeria. Veteran missionaries, David and Rose Maskey, are graciously allowing us to stay with them when we first arrive in the country. However, rental houses typically require a two-year commitment, with the entire lease being paid up front and a few fees on top of that. In addition, landlords are usually not willing to perform any repairs, so we need God’s leading and wisdom in this matter.

Working hard to bring fruit to your account,

Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barrett, Henry & Alex Barker