Sandra and I were filled with gratitude when our monthly donor statement came in and we saw that there were 8 new churches listed on it. Additionally, we are grateful for the 5 churches and dear family friend who notified us that they would be taking us on for support. I’m happy to report that as of the end of January, God has blessed us with 54% of our needed support pledged and 37% coming in.
We were honored to be invited to the Missions Conference at our home church, the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. While there, I got the opportunity to preach and teach in various settings, as well as give a challenge during Hyles-Anderson College chapel and be interviewed by Pastor Wilkerson on the radio. Even more special is the fact that we got to visit our former bus route in East Chicago, where I came across Joyce. She had recently turned 56 and wasn’t sure if she had a home in Heaven. She listened attentively when I shared the Gospel with her and sweetly trusted Christ as her Saviour, also saying that she would like to ride the bus to church soon.
Alicia was a young lady who will be celebrating her 30th birthday in the month of February. We met her while visiting for Texas Baptist Church of San Antonio. She was new to the area, having come from California, and did not know too many churches in the area. I came to find that she also didn’t know Jesus Christ as her personal Lord and Saviour. After a thorough explanation of the Gospel, however, she bowed her head and accepted Christ. After she said, “Amen,” I looked up to see her smiling, but I became confused when I heard clapping in the background of the apartment. It was then I discovered that, unbeknownst to me, Alicia’s Aunt Diana, who was listening in the background, had accepted Christ as well. Alicia wants to ride one of the church vans on February 11, while Diana is a maybe. Please pray for Joyce, Alicia, and Diana to all come to church soon and follow the Lord in believer’s baptism.
Working hard to bring fruit to your account,
Jeremy, Sandra, Carina, Barret, Henry, & Alex Barker
- With Pastor Wilkerson and Missionary Walter Stevens on the set of 90.5 FM The Key
- With BIMI President Emeritus Don Sisk at Teays Valley Baptist Church, Hurricane, West Virginia
- With Pastor Hodges of Amazing Grace Baptist Church, Stanleytown, Virginia, who made a positive impact in my life when I was a teen and new convert
- With Pastor Rabon of Beacon Baptist Church, Raleigh, North Carolina North Carolina
- With Pastor Wynn of Pleasant Ridge Baptist Church, Holts Summit, Missouri North Carolina