We are running out of room in our current church building! That’s a good and bad problem—good because the church is growing, but bad because we need more room. As you can see from the two pictures below, we have decided to knock out the outer wall of these two upper rooms inside the church building and make them somewhat of a makeshift balcony. Our church building was actually a house before we turned it into the house of God. We are doing this in preparation for our church’s anniversary on July 25.
Please pray for God to bless our church anniversary with many visitors and salvations. Pray also that God will continue to add people and ministries to our church. Pray that we can have a groundbreaking ceremony on our new church lot to build our own church building.
It has been a long and excruciating process trying to start construction on our new church building; and, of course, the COVID-19 pandemic has only complicated that process. We have been having a hard time staying in communication with the Villa Angela subdivision office where we have purchased our church lot. The Villa Angela subdivision office is located in the capital city of Bacolod, where at times there was restricted access into the city, and for most of last year, it was closed, all due to COVID-19. Recently, our assistant pastor went to that subdivision office only to find that they were closed on that day with no updates on their operating hours. We have texted, called, and emailed them; and we get little to no response from them.
Soul winning on the deputation trail has been interesting in the first half of this year! In Illinois, we were only able to put church flyers in people’s doors due to people calling the church and asking them not to knock on their doors. In April, we were in California, and we were able to help a church in Orange County deliver care packages to some fire stations as part of their first responders’ outreach program. We were also able to help and take part in the Easter service at my brother-in-law’s church in Southern California.
Please pray for us as we travel and preach in Missions Conferences from July to November. We’ll be traveling over 10,000 miles, as we have meetings in Southern California, Colorado, Iowa, Kentucky, back to Southern California, and then to Oregon and Washington.
My [Jesus’] house is the house of prayer,
Ian & Czarinna Vincent
- Edward with his cousin Danielle
- Newport Beach Fire Station
- Our church auditorium after we added the makeshift balcony
- Our church auditorium before we added the makeshift balcony
- The church lot’s total area is 450 square meters.
- Soul winning in Illinois
- Preaching in my brother-in-law’s church