One of our prayers has been answered! In January, Czarinna had an interview to get her U.S. 10-Year Green Card, and praise the Lord, she passed with flying colors! We both were so nervous about the interview, but Czarinna said that as soon as she entered the building, she knew that everything would be fine. The next and last step for Czarinna would be to file the paperwork and pay the necessary fees for American citizenship. It has been a long process to get to this point, but we have researched that this would be the best way for Czarinna to travel to America while we finish our deputation here. If Czarinna had traveled to America with a tourist visa, there was a 50-50 chance that she could have been denied entry into America, so an immigration visa was our best option.
Safety and good health are always a concern for us while traveling. We always appreciate the prayers for traveling mercies. God definitely answered your prayers, because we narrowly missed having a car accident. We were driving in a snowstorm in Louisville, going to Czarinna’s interview, when our vehicle slid right through a stop sign onto a main road where a truck was passing by. After narrowly missing the truck, I had to stop our vehicle and thank the Lord for saving us!
An additional answer to prayer was that another church decided to support us right after we had Missions Sunday with them. We praise the Lord for Pastor Matt Waterhouse and Bethel Baptist Church of Imperial, Missouri, for partnering with us as we continue raising our support.
Please do pray for an upcoming youth camp that our church’s youth will attend April 11-15. Our goal is to bring 120 youth to this camp. This yearly youth camp has always been such a help and blessing to our youth. It has directed and strengthened some of their calls to ministry and to Bible college. Every year we also bring some visitors, and every year we always see a handful of them get saved and baptized. We are raising $1,250 to help feed, transport, and pay some of their registration fees. Please consider making an eternal investment in the lives of some young Filipinos halfway across the world. For more information and to donate, please scan this QR code.
Ask and it shall be given you,
Ian & Czarinna Vincent
- Our family at Bethel Baptist Church in Imperial, Missouri
- Scan this QR code to get more information or donate to our Filipino youth camp.
- Pastor Matt Waterhouse and I