The beginning of August continued with the frantic purging and packing of our belongings. We didn’t have any major furniture or appliances, so we didn’t have to get a container. We will be able to buy them in Australia. We were able to fit everything in 7 checked-in totes, 2 large checked-in suitcases, 4 carry-on suitcases, a guitar case, and 5 backpacks.
Our church hosted a Soul-Winning Conference and a Vacation Bible School, hosted by the Walkers, at the beginning of the month. In the middle of it all, on our last Sunday service at Lakecrest Baptist Church, the staff and deacons prayed over us. It was a sweet time. On the first night of VBS, our daughter Elin was presented the plan of salvation, and she got the assurance of her salvation! There was a total of 108 children saved during our VBS. The day after the last day of VBS, we flew out from Detroit, Michigan.
We had a very emotional time at Detroit Metro Airport with Mindy’s parents, but we eventually made it through security and to the gate. We flew with United Airlines, and our trip went very smoothly. We had two layovers: one in Houston, Texas, and another in Los Angeles, California. Our flight from Los Angeles to Sydney was at least 14 hours long, but it was a very empty flight. We each were able to have a whole row to lie down and sleep on. We have more pictures of our trip on our Facebook page: Tingsons2Australia. When we arrived at Sydney Airport, we were met with staff in hazmat suits. We were briefed on what was to happen. After leaving customs and security, we were escorted onto a bus that was waiting for us outside the airport. Military and police were waiting for us. They helped us get all of our luggage onto the bus. The bus took us to the hotel where we were to stay during our mandatory quarantine. It was in the heart of the city. Military personnel helped us get our possessions up to our room. We were blessed with a very spacious apartment. They provided food each day. We were unable to leave our room, but we had a balcony, which allowed us to get fresh air. While in quarantine, I managed to record a sermon for one of our supporting churches in Australia. Two weeks and three COVID tests later, we were released into the public.
Please continue to pray for our situation. Our state is currently under strict lockdown. We are currently staying with family in Sydney. We cannot go 5km outside of our home unless it’s for food or an essential appointment. We need to scan into certain places for “contact tracing.” Churches aren’t able to meet at the moment. It has been a challenge to “settle in,” but we know the Lord is still in control. Thank you to all those who allowed us to get to this stage. We are grateful for your prayers and support!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- The hotel where we spent our two weeks in quarantine once arriving in Australia
- The bus ride to the hotel where we were to quarantine
- Waiting in the Detroit Metro Airport to leave for Australia
- We arrived safely in Australia!