We had many things to be thankful for this past month. We were thankful for God’s provision through this “lockdown,” for the health God has given us during this time, for the family that God has given us, for the freedom to go to church in this country, and for many of you who have prayed and supported us. There were many more things, but there’s not enough room on this page. All I can say is, “We have been blessed!”
We were able to visit one of our supporting churches, Macarthur Baptist Church, at the beginning of this month. It was a joy to see some familiar faces! Whilst we were not able to travel outside of Greater Sydney, we have been able to go to church with the good people of New Hope Baptist Church in Fairfield. I’ve had the privilege to preach there. Pastor Sam played a big part in influencing me while growing up as a teenager here. I also had the honour to preach for another preacher friend of mine, Pastor Jonathan Medina. Their church is so sweet, and he and his wife have been very helpful!
We’ve been able to do some surveying in a couple of places of interest. One place is Badgery’s Creek, where they are in the middle of building a second major airport in Sydney. It is located in Western Sydney. The population is predicted to boom in the next few years. Another place is the city of Wollongong, which is south of Sydney. At the beginning of the month, I received a phone call from a church planter who is pastoring a church north of Sydney. He called to ask us to consider helping him out with the work there. This immediately reminded me of the man from Macedonia in the Apostle Paul’s vision who had asked them to, “Come over into Macedonia and help us.” He also expressed that they are interested in helping out a church planter who is desiring to start a church not too far from them. We will be visiting them in December as soon as we are allowed to leave the Greater Sydney area. Please pray for the Lord’s will to be done!
We enjoyed our first Thanksgiving dinner here in Australia. They don’t celebrate that here, but we weren’t going to let that stop us! We couldn’t find a turkey, but the chicken tasted great! Thank you all for those who sent birthday wishes for my wife and daughter Elin. They both had great birthdays! Our family is adjusting well despite the situation here in Sydney. Thank you so much for the “Christmas bonus” that some of you have sent our way! Thank you for your continued prayers and support! Have a very Merry Christmas!
Your servant in Christ,
Garry Tingson
- Visiting Macarthur Baptist Church
- Preaching at New Hope Baptist Church
- Celebrating Elin’s Golden Birthday
- Wollongong, Located South of Sydney
- Enjoying Thanksgiving Dinner!
- Badgery’s Creek in Western Sydney
- Preaching at Bible Baptist Church