Since our last prayer update, we have made two trips to the Peruvian Amazon Jungle to distribute water-purification systems and to teach pastors about soul winning and discipleship. Many of you received the update about the first trip in March. God really blessed with the opportunity to help several different villages obtain a source of pure water and to preach the Gospel in those tribes as well. Many trusted Christ as their only way to Heaven! Then last week, we were privileged to head to another part of the jungle to a city called Moyobamba, where we trained pastors on soul winning and discipleship and gave them water-purification systems to use in their villages. Many pastors walked for hours to attend this meeting! The pastors then used their training and went out soul winning there in Moyobamba, with many trusting Christ that day! We were humbled to be able to serve such dedicated servants of the Lord there in that remote part of our country.
In March, we held a Missions Conference with Pastor Luis Martinez preaching. Our people in San Gabriel joined with Iglesia Bautista Internacional of Surco for an International Supper, which was a great success! We even had a Parade of Nations with our little ones dressed in costume from various countries. Our church increased its Faith Promise commitment again this year, so that we can now take on three new missionaries!
The church in San Gabriel has been busy during the last couple of months. Our Vacation Bible School went well. Our workers enjoyed using a new puppet stand that they had built for the event. We had about 15 children trust Christ this year, which was a big blessing! Our children’s church and Sunday schools are growing! We don’t have any more room, but somehow, we keep packing them in. We would ask that you fervently pray for a property for our church family. We are begging God for His will in the matter.
We have 38 students registered for Instituto Bautista Internacional this semester! We are thrilled by this growth and are thankful to Bro. Mark Rader and IBI Surco for allowing us to use their facilities for the institute. We are offering 9 different classes this semester, so many members of Team Peru are teaching, along with another pastor from the area. There is a great spirit of excitement among the students and faculty as we work to train workers for the Lord. Please pray that our students would not get discouraged and that they would bring honor to our Saviour.
Around 40 people have trusted Christ in the ministries of San Gabriel and personal soul winning since our February letter. The other day, I was soul winning with a pastor, and we passed by a young couple sitting in a Mototaxi waiting for repair at a mechanic shop. After hearing the plan of salvation from the Bible, I asked them if they would like to pray and receive Christ as their Saviour. Unashamedly, they responded, “Of course!” So many others would gladly receive Him if only they could hear the Gospel. Please pray with us that God would send forth more laborers into His harvest.
His for souls,
Zach and Karin Foust
Zach, C.J., and Logan