It is written: “Is any thing too hard for the LORD?” (Genesis 18:14b) The answer of course is “NO”! Praise God for enabling me to arrive at the end of my deputation! I believe that, from the beginning of my deputation to the end of it, the Lord ordered all my travels, meetings, and lodgings. God granted me the privilege of meeting with, fellowshipping with, and serving Him with some of the finest Christians in the world while on deputation. I thank God for all of you for sacrificially meeting my needs and those of the ministry.
I have been meditating lately on some of the greatest revivals in history—the preaching of Jonah, the preaching of Paul at Ephesus—and some of the soul-winning stories of Tom Malone, D. L. Moody, and Carl Hatch. I have been inspired, stirred, and provoked to do more for Christ. The Lord granted me the privilege of seeing 17 precious souls by faith receive Jesus Christ as Saviour. Please pray for the spiritual growth of Jose, Riley, Isaiah, Damien, Cesar, Steven, Matthew, Cristopher, Brandon, Matite, Brian, Steve, Gabi, Eberaldo, Anna, Luis, and Julian’s mom. God gave me and helped me seize some great soul-winning opportunities. I recall during one of my follow-ups with Julian (saved September 28, 2020), I had the opportunity to lead his mom to the Lord too (saved October 10, 2020). To God be all the glory! My pastor allowed me the opportunity to do my first funeral service at the beginning of December. About 50 people came to the funeral. I discovered, through one of the attendees, that the deceased young man had a salvation testimony. During the challenge, I built on that fact to help any lost soul in the room accept Jesus Christ as Saviour. About one-third of those in attendance humbly bowed their heads in sincere prayer and trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour. Glory to God!
I remember a few weeks ago, one of my sisters, Marthe, asked me to add more messages online. She said the messages had been helping her. Mimhs, a family friend, reached out to me for some spiritual guidance and direction. By the grace of God, I am now discipling 21 family members through YouTube and WhatsApp. After receiving a message entitled “Sharpen Your Spiritual Tools,” my mom and stepdad called me to let me know they had just listened to the message. Please pray for their spiritual growth.
God helped me secure a house in Libreville and get an international driving permit (with the help of Missionary Go Oishi). In mid-November, I met with Bro. Bosje and the FBMI leadership team for my final Exit Interview. I do thank God for the first- class services they have tirelessly provided to me over the years. I do thank God for Pastor Wilkerson, Bro. Bosje, and the entire FBMI team for the unparalleled work they do on behalf of all of the missionaries! Lighthouse Baptist Church, my home church, did an exceptional, outstanding, and unforgettable labor of love for me before, during, and after my ordination ceremony! They have poured out so many blessings on my life over the years. Thank you!
Praise the Lord for a new supporting church, Valley Baptist Church of Oswego, Illinois!
I’d like to take a moment to thank all the churches and individuals for the timely prayer cards, gift cards, generous gift offerings, words of encouragement, lodging arrangements, deliciously filling meals, brotherly love, great kindnesses, many sacrifices, strong dedication, abundant generosity, and great faithfulness in meeting my needs and those of the ministry! Thank you! I am keeping you all in my prayers.
The Lord never ceases to amaze me. I would like to say a big hearty “Thank you” to Bro. Robinson, his whole team, and all the churches across the USA that have labored tirelessly around the clock for long, long hours to prepare several thousands of Scriptures and Scripture portions for the many souls in Gabon!! Due to some unforeseen circumstances, the container is now scheduled to be shipped in January, and I will be leaving December 24, just in time to receive the container. Without your constant prayers and faithful support, I would not be where I am today. Because of you, Gabon is now one step closer to hearing the Gospel and receiving copies of the Word of God! So, thank you very much! Have a Merry, Merry Christmas! I am keeping you and your ministries in my prayers. May God bless you even more as you serve Him faithfully!!
That all everywhere may hear,
Fisa Mihy-mihyndu
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”
(I Corinthians 15:58)
1. 17 souls saved
2. 21 family members being reached through YouTube and WhatsApp
3. 1 new supporting church
4. 5-mile-radius radio transmitter
5. Face masks and thermal thermometers
1. Souls to be saved
2. Discipleship
3. First church plant
4. Family outreach through YouTube and WhatsApp and in person
5. Radio outreach
6. Outreach to the public schools
7. Creativity in creating opportunities to witness in Gabon
8. 300 faithful men
- Pastor Hemphill (center) and I, with another young man
- Ordination Ceremony
- DG got saved!