In Romans 10: 14, God asserts, “How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?” Compared to 2021, there is now a greater soul awareness at Independent Fundamental Baptist Church of Libreville. God is developing in many Christians the habit of sharing the Gospel everywhere.
On January 8, we celebrated Alex Le Grand’s first-year anniversary, a miracle baby who was born with a serious health condition. About 100 people came. For some, it was the first time to enter a church building. At the time of the invitation, several souls gladly received Jesus Christ by faith as Saviour.
On January 26, one of my brothers went to be with the Lord. We held his funeral and celebrated his Homegoing on February 4. Approximately 300 people attended his funeral. Four pastors were there. I was one of the three pastors to bring a word of encouragement. The other two preached a works-based salvation, which broke my heart and reminded me of the need for sound Bible doctrine here in Gabon. By the grace of God, I preached salvation by faith alone through Christ alone. When I gave an invitation, many put their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour. Later, we distributed New Testaments. THEY THANKED GOD AND THANKED YOU THROUGH US!! TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!!
Here is our church facility’s placement. In front of the church is a cemetery. A few houses to the right is a Pentecostal church. A few feet to the left is a Faith Healer, and about half mile behind us is a mosque. In spite of this, God has been doing some great things. Every Saturday, we pass out hundreds of whole Bibles, New Testaments, John & Romans, and Gospel tracts at the cemetery for people who come to bury their loved ones. Thanks to you, the name of the Lord is being glorified!! One older lady said, “I came to bury my loved one. For a long time, I have been needing a Bible. I had no idea I would receive a Bible today at the cemetery. THANK YOU FOR DISTRIBUTING THE WORD OF GOD FREELY. GOD BLESS YOU!!!”
The Bible declares in Psalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?” God is building a desire in many at our church to become durable Christians with the goal of reproducing ourselves. Here is what God did recently:
• The Bible institute grew from 3 to 10 regular Bible students.
• Brother Mathurin is now teaching a class on baptism during Sunday school hours.
• Brother Smith and Brother Mathurin now have more opportunities to preach and disciple newer Christians.
• Brother Arnaud spent 3 hours these past 2 Saturdays to come to church for soul winning.
• We have a choir of 5 ladies and 1 man that practices every Saturday.
• Soul winning, followship, and children’s ministry workshops are held on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
• More people are now serving around the church.
• We have 365 Bible verses for kids and adults to memorize in 2022.
• More people are sharing the Gospel, calling and visiting souls each week.
• Some families have been added to the church.
• Some people now want to go soul winning twice on Saturdays.
• Some maturing Christians with Charismatic backgrounds are being grounded in biblical separation, good
Christian music, soul winning, biblical tongues, biblical faith, etc.
Here is the summary:
• Praise the Lord for the 150 souls (100 children and 50 adults) who attended our first Christmas program. Thank you for your prayers.
• Thank you for praying for key Scriptures in the sanctuary, the purchase of two speakers, three microphones, an amplifier, and a mixer. The LORD answered your payers!
• PRAISE the LORD for using Bro. & Mrs. Stewart to donate US$10,000 to His work here in Gabon!! Thanks to their donation, we are now ready to buy a 19-seat taxi bus, not only to bring more souls to church but also to fill the bus with church members to go soul winning all over Libreville and inland Gabon, where there is a greater need for the Word of God.
• Somebody bought the US$414,000 land we were looking at—God closed that door. However, we are now praying the owner will sell to us the building we are currently renting, plus the house next door. By the grace of God, we have plans to expand our ministry. PLEASE JOIN US IN PRAYER FOR THIS!!
• Please, please, please send us any medical supplies that you have stored in your house, garage, or hospital. We will use them. Many souls (babies included) are dying for lack of medical supplies. The LORD has blessed us with two nurses, a dentist, and a medical doctor. Your supplies would result in the saving of multiple souls to the glory of God!!
The church family is overflowing with thanksgiving for your faithful prayers and generous giving to the LORD for the furtherance of His work all over Gabon!! For instance, one lady said, “I can’t shake off the need to pray daily for all our supporting churches in the USA and thank God daily for them all!!” We could never thank God enough because of your faithful prayers and giving! PLEASE PRAY FOR US EVEN MORE AS WE PRAY FOR YOU!!
If you want to invest towards either the purchase of the land, the purchase of the bus, or any other need mentioned above, please send it to FBMI at the following address:
507 State Street
Hammond, IN 46320
Missionary #174
*Please specify the need: Bus or Land.
THANK YOU INFINITELY, and may God richly bless you as you serve Him faithfully!!
That all everywhere may hear,
Fisa Mihy-Mihyndu
“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” (I Corinthians 15:58)
1. Many souls saved
2. 4 candidates for baptism
3. 10 people attending the Bible institute
4. More soul winners
5. Hundreds of tracts, John & Romans, New Testaments, and whole Bibles distributed weekly
6. Banners, speakers, mixer, and microphones
1. Souls to be saved
2. Baptisms
3. Laborers
4. Discipleship
5. Land for the ministry
6. Medical supplies
7. Churches to be started in Tchibanga and Ntoum
- Our church choir, made up of five women and one man, practices every Saturday.
- Children’s Christmas Choir
- Work Day at the Church
- Children’s Christmas Choir
- Scripture Distribution at the Cemetery
- The Sound Booth
- Scripture Distribution at the Cemetery
- Bible Distribution
- Christmas Gift Wrapping
- Christmas Program
- Brother Danny Distributing Scripture