Time Is Flying!
Hello everyone. By now, we are well into our year of 2024. Already, it has been quite exciting! We have had 24 more decisions for Christ and 47 first- time visitors in church. Soul winning is a blessing! This week, a lady who was saved on Saturday visited church on Sunday night. She immediately testified of the change Christ had made in her life. In June, we are planning to baptize several new believers. Please pray for the months ahead. We just received 25,000 new church tracts from the printers! Look out, Preston, England!
Trip to America
Mary Beth and I made a quick journey over to Chicago and Arizona recently. We stayed in a beautiful home in Indiana, which a lovely church couple has reserved for missionary families. We all stayed together—one big happy family! Dan, Rachel, and little Ruby were also there for the week, and then Josh came in from Iowa. Jeremy and his fiancé Ashley graduated from Hyles-Anderson College in a terrific service. Jeremy did so well with his honours and awards. (Yes, we cried!) It is such an amazing blessing to know that Jeremy and Ashley will be serving in her home church under Pastor Allen Johnson in Woburn, Massachusetts. We look forward to joining everyone again for their wedding in August.
It was great to see the people of First Baptist Church, to speak on the radio, and to spend time with Pastor John Wilkerson. What a wonderful friend and sending pastor he is! We were also able to share God’s ministry through us at Victory Hill Baptist Church in Steger, Illinois, with Pastor Kilgore and at West Lawn Baptist Church in Chicago with Pastor Meece. Both of these churches were very gracious, generous, and kind. We want to thank them for their kindness!
After that, Mary Beth and I travelled to Arizona for three more days to visit my mom, my sister Karen, and my brother Paul. We were also able to see our wonderful friends at Liberty Baptist Church in Prescott, Arizona. During our journey, we had many opportunities to
witness and pass out Gospel tracts. A lady was saved in Chicago after I preached on Sunday morning. God is so good!
The Church Is Growing!
Our church family did such an amazing job while we were gone. We were only away for a week and a half, but it was a blessing to know that everything was covered during our absence. God has given us dedicated fellow Christians to do His work here in Preston, England. Our “Team Wycliffe” keeps the ball rolling! Thank you to all who pray and give toward the efforts here to reach and teach people in northwest England. Special prayer requests are for (1) a local family that recently had one of their children die suddenly, (2) a mother to be reunited with her young daughter after false allegations were made against her, (3) Jeremy as he settles into the Boston area and the ministry there, and (4) new believers to come for baptism.
Yours for souls,
The Solt Family

Family picture at Jeremy and Ashley’s graduation from Hyles-Anderson College