Thank you so much for praying for this ministry. Many of you know that one of the desires of my heart is to take a group of young people from good Bible institutes down here in Mexico to travel with me to help churches in evangelistic campaigns from time to time. This summer God blessed and gave me the privilege of taking some students with me for about 24 days. Every few days we were in a different church, so we were with 6 churches in that time. Every day we were doing something to reach others for Christ. We went out soul winning, and the majority of the days we did several Evangelistic Clubs, as well as had special services with the churches.
The pastors and churches were so thrilled and excited as we worked together with them to reach a great harvest of souls for the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ. Truly the harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few! Because school was in session, sometimes we would go outside of schools when the students were leaving and gather them together to preach Christ, and a few times we were actually permitted to go inside the schools and preach the Gospel. My friends, God gave us His power, love, and wisdom; and, praise the Lord, literally thousands of people trusted Christ as their Saviour during this time. To God be all the glory! Thank you for helping to make this possible.
We are also seeing people commit their lives to doing the work of an evangelist, and others are surrendering their lives to actually be evangelists. We know the Bible teaches that evangelists also are given “For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:12) Please continue to pray with us for 300 fiery evangelists to be raised up to preach Christ to the multitudes, help build and start churches, raise up more full-time servants, and train churches to be more effective soul winners for the glory of Christ.
Could you please also pray for the following:
• For God’s power, protection, and provision for our family and ministry
• That more churches would get involved in helping us to reach the people of Mexico
• That God would use us in a greater way to see souls saved and lives changed
May God richly bless you for laboring with us through your love, prayers, and support to reach a harvest of souls for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Yours for souls,
Darrell Ratcliff
Philippians 4:13