Thank you for your love, prayers, and gifts! Our cup overflows with the goodness of God!
September was the month of transition. We started off the month in Northwest Indiana, packing up our trailer home and doing some extra repairs on the car. I was still working my secular job, but then the Lord opened up the door for us to go down to Arkansas for a Missions Conference. After prayer and counsel, we believed this was the Lord moving us into full-time deputation. In quick order, my work notice was turned in, our house was packed up, and a final inspection was completed.
In mid-September, we traveled down to Greenbrier, Arkansas, to be a part of the Missions Conference at Ambassador Baptist Church. We enjoyed speaking to the Christian school, teaching the teen Sunday school class, and presenting our ministry during the Sunday morning service. Thank you, Pastor Allen, for inviting us! After the conference, we were able to spend some family time with Rachel’s sister Hannah. She gave birth to her baby a couple weeks before we arrived in Arkansas. It was a special blessing to see her and baby Natasha. The Lord even allowed Rachel’s parents to travel down and be with both of their grandbabies.
From there, we traveled to Jefferson City, Missouri, to be with Central Baptist Church for their conference. They graciously allowed me to speak at their Men’s Prayer Breakfast, and then from there, I went soul winning with Pastor Schmidt. Once again, we were shown such love and kindness by those sweet people. What an amazing God we serve!
In September, we were able to present the Gospel fully to three souls. One opportunity that I would like to highlight is being able to witness to Kathy. Kathy was our breakfast lady at Holiday Inn, and throughout the week, we were able to befriend her. At the tail end of our stay, we were taking a morning walk, and the Lord led us into her path in the hotel parking lot while she was on a little break. I gave her a tract and began to witness to her. She listened to the Gospel and was moved to tears when I was talking about Hell. Her mother had recently passed away from cancer. She didn’t pray due to time, but her heart was certainly moved.
Our little family continues to adapt to life on the road. Whenever we do a longer drive, we try to find an attraction to visit in the middle to “stretch our legs.” You can find pictures of these moments on our Facebook page, solts2england. With Ruby being a “preemie” baby, she is smaller than most children her age, but her energy and awareness are by no means minuscule. We love life with her and treasure what the Lord has given us. We celebrated our third anniversary this month! The Lord has surely blessed me with the best! Rachel is organized, friendly, caring, meek, and beautiful!
Thank you for reading this letter and for having a part in our ministry! Your prayers, support, and love are essential!
God bless,
Daniel, Rachel, and Ruby Solt
- Rachel and I are with several other missionaries and Bro. Ray Young at the Missions Conference hosted by Pastor & Mrs. Andy Schmidt of Central Baptist Church, Jefferson City, Missouri
- Rachel and Ruby with Rachel’s sister Hannah and her new little girl Natasha
- With the teens at Ambassador Baptist Church in Greenbrier, Arkansas
- Ruby posing for pictures
- Ruby and I watching the fish swimming in the aquarium
- Our precious Ruby is helping us pack for full-time deputation.
- Rachel and I with Pastor & Mrs. Danny Allen of Ambassador Baptist Church, Greenbrier, Arkansas