The year 2022 was a great year for us! We officially presented our ministry 60 times across the country and shared our ministry many other times. We participated in 17 different Missions Conferences, many Missions-Emphasis Days/Months, 2 different Youth Camps, and attended many various Bible Conferences. We were also able to go soul winning in many different states and cities and see people come to Christ! The Lord increased our support from 40% to almost 75%, and we anticipate several more churches adding us at the beginning of their 2023 fiscal year, Lord willing!
For the months of November and December, we were mostly on the East Coast, with great meetings in New York, New Jersey, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Georgia. We also were able to participate in two Nursing Home Ministries and spoke for a home blessing. We wrapped up the year with two meetings in Texas, finalizing at my parents’ place there for Christmas, and then heading to California to visit Mary-Ann’s parents for New Year’s. We did struggle some with sickness in December, with our entire family getting sick at least once and some of us getting sick twice. God was good, though, as I was always able to present our ministry. We met so many wonderful people and churches and were blessed in many ways, and we trust that God used us to be a blessing to them as well.
I would like to share a couple of blessings with you. First, in mid-December, I had been especially praying that God would use me to see a soul saved for Him, as it had been a while since I had been able to do so. I had been faithful in witnessing, but folks had not been accepting Christ. We were able to go soul winning in one of the Dallas suburbs with a church-outreach ministry. We were door knocking and inviting people to the church’s Christmas presentation on Sunday. While doing so, I came across Julio, a 17-year-old young man who was trying to plug in his home’s Christmas lights but was too short to reach them. I, being 6½ feet tall, walked over and offered to help. He allowed me to do so, and then he allowed me to present the Gospel to him. He had learned a few of the Bible stories as a child, but he hadn’t attended church for several years. His family had recently moved into the area, and he was interested in learning about the church youth group. So, I wrote down his name and contact information for the church to follow up with him, but more importantly, his name was written in the Book of Life after he was sweetly saved.
Second, as you know, our family had been praying for a newer, larger vehicle to use on deputation for quite a while. We finally found one that we felt would work for our family, so Mary-Ann and I drove a few hours away to the dealership to check it out. The salesman, Jalen, was very friendly and helpful, and while we were test-driving the vehicle with him, I was able to bring up the fact that we were missionaries and ask him about his church background. He said that he had attended a Baptist church with his grandmother sometimes as a child, but that ever since moving to Texas, he had not gone to any church. He allowed me to present the Gospel to him, and after the test-drive was over, he even allowed me to finish the Gospel presentation for several more minutes. He then bowed his head and accepted Christ as his Saviour! I don’t know all of the reasons why God wanted us to wait nine months while we were praying for a new vehicle, but I do know one–Jalen needed the opportunity to hear the Gospel!
We will be in cold country this winter, with our first meeting of 2023 being in Colorado, and meetings following in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Illinois before heading back to Colorado. Please pray that our vehicle holds up and that the snow and roads are not too bad. We definitely need God’s protection while we travel. God has been amazing in supplying our needs, and we are looking forward to the blessings which He will bring us in this new year!
R. Daniel Williams and Family to the Philippines
All for Christ!
- With Pastor Lindsey at Blessed Hope Baptist Church of Alvarado, Texas
- We were privileged to take part in the Nursing Home Ministry of Bergen Bible Baptist Church of Lodi, New Jersey.
- Evangelist Tom Williams praying over Titus at Mount Zion Baptist Church in Georgia
- Our family with Pastor Stalnaker and his family in West Virginia
- Our family in front of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- With Pastor Manalo, his family, and some church members at Bergen Bible Baptist Church, Lodi, New Jersey
- While in Texas, I was privileged to lead Julio to the Lord.
- With Pastor & Mrs. Reese at Fellowship Bible Baptist Church in West Berlin, New Jersey
- In Texas with car salesman Jalen, who got saved