Hafa Adai from the beautiful island of Guam.
Just when the island seemed to be returning to some semblance of normalcy, the governor of Guam placed it into another lockdown. The declaration felt like a gut-punch, ordering no church and face-mask social distancing, which further hinders my soul-winning opportunities.
Still, I find ways to personally lead people to Christ!
One night, around 11 p.m., I went to a worksite to meet with a man I had led to Christ and found out he was moving in a few days to California. When we said our goodbyes to each other, a large shadow moved in the bed of his pickup truck, which alarmed me. I was relieved it was only his future son-in-law, not a Taotaomona (Tao-Tao-Mona: the spirit of a Chamorro ancestor, a ghost; the local legends here). I then asked him my “Pastor’s question” as to whether he knew for sure he would go to Heaven when he died. Being unsure, he allowed me to explain the Gospel to him. He acknowledged that he understood and believed the Gospel and then prayed with me to receive the Lord Jesus Christ into his heart as his personal Saviour. He thanked me for talking with him; then we three fist-bumped, “COVID-style,” and said our final farewells.
Soul winning in a housing complex over a three-week period recently, talking with passersby, and leading people to Christ, management asked me to stop what I was doing, stating that there was a reported complaint about it. At first, I was disheartened, wondering if those who had received Christ had gotten offended and reported me even though they seemed sincere at the time. I realized that although I would not know who had complained, it had gotten around, and some came to my defense. One lady working with management expressed disagreement and defended what I was doing. She related that since receiving Christ into her heart, her praying and Bible reading became a daily occurrence. So, although one may never know how people will react or respond in soul-winning situations, the Lord knows and knows how to encourage us to keep going.
Since my last update, the Lord has used me personally to lead 19 people to Christ.
The people I lead to the Lord may never attend Island Baptist Church; therefore, church attendance cannot be a soul-winning motivation for me; otherwise, I would get discouraged. The primary motivation for me is a good conscience toward God. God gifted me with an ability to communicate with all kinds of people in all walks of life and called me into His service for His purposes. “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” (I Corinthians 9:16) Though necessity and woe play a part, the rewards of joy, close fellowship with the Lord, granted desires, and blessings far outweigh them for me.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Please pray for our health and safety, Island Baptist Church, Guam, Micronesia, and especially for our church members to stay strong and the lockdown to be over.
In His harvest field,
Dan Rothwell and family