Dan and Gerri Johnson Prayer Letter: The Year Is Winding Down Quickly!This year is winding down very quickly! We whirled through our church anniversary, our Youth Conference, and our Creation Conference up in Northern Brazil, which we had mentioned in our last letter.

In October, we celebrated Children’s Day with a special service and gifts for all of the children. This month, we will have a smaller Thanksgiving celebration than normal since only one Brazil-side Johnson family will be with us, as the other two will be traveling elsewhere. It is also the same weekend as the first wedding for our church, so things will be busy!

November 2 was Finados, the Day of the Dead, where many people go to the cemeteries to honor their departed loved ones. People of the church participated at different time slots throughout the day, distributing John and Romans booklets with our church’s information printed on them. Several people were saved.

In December, one of our grandsons will be getting married in the States, so we are planning a short furlough, December 11 – February 5, to be able to attend. If anyone has or knows of a car we could beg, borrow, or rent during all or part of this time, please let us know.

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support. May the Lord give you each a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas season.

In His service,

Dan & Gerri Johnson