Praise the Lord for 1993 precious souls trusting Christ as Saviour during the months of July through September! It’s great to be where it’s happening! There is so much going on in this part of the world. Not only are Filipinos being saved, but they are also taking the Gospel to the unreached people groups of the world. As we see throughout history, the Gospel has continually moved west, beginning at Jerusalem. It’s very noteworthy that the Philippines is located on the eastern edge of the 10-40 Window, wherein, west of us, lies the most unreached part of the world! The ball is in our court! Our church is supporting 34 missionaries throughout the 10-40 Window and around the world. It’s especially exciting to be near Southeast Asia/Indochina, where God is opening doors. We support several missionaries in countries that are technically closed to the Gospel. One example of a great opportunity is the desire of governments for the people of their countries to learn English. We support several missionaries who have started English-speaking schools and are using the Bible-centered ACE curriculum! It is an amazing open door!
It was a joy to ordain four men to the Gospel ministry: Jayson Guillera, my assistant pastor and a graduate of our Bible college; Jeremy Colonia, our music director and a graduate of our Bible college; Sam Naynes, a retired bookkeeper at a bank and a graduate of our Bible institute who is pastoring our outreach in Lipa City, Batangas; and John Diaz, my assistant pastor for four years, who has started a church in Canlubang, Laguna. We also licensed Jayson Llantero to preach. Jayson is a graduate of our Bible college and is praying about starting a church in Bailen, Cavite.
We had one graduate from our Bible college this year, John Lee Cajurao, who is serving as a junior staff member in our church. He is engaged to be married in January.
We have resumed our Bible college and have four new students. Two of them are from our outreach in Lipa City, and two of them are from our church here in Dasmariñas City. Please pray for (left to right) Abraham, Junel, Jayjay, and Ezzer as they train to serve God full-time.
We have been having sign language classes on Tuesday and Wednesday (before church) evenings in order to start a Deaf Ministry. Please pray that God would equip us and use us to reach the deaf people in our area.
Thank you all for praying for us and for sacrificing to keep us in this amazing harvest field. We are so very grateful.
Yours for souls,
Courtney & Ester Godsoe

From left to right, these are the four new students in our Bible college: Abraham, Junel, Jayjay, and Ezzer.