The Lord led us across the country the last two months. We left Pennsylvania at the beginning of August, with stops in Indiana, Missouri, and Kansas, before we made it to California. We then spent most of September in the state of Washington. We had many doors opened to us, with several churches saying they are going to partner with us. The travel can be a challenge with the children, but the Lord blessed us with a prophet’s chamber to stay in for almost three weeks. This is a nice break from bouncing from place to place.
We have been blessed with making friendships at every stop. Some of those come from laboring together in the Lord’s work. What a pleasure it is to see fellow servants of Christ going out to preach the Gospel. My wife was able to witness to a teenage girl in California. While holding our baby, she led her to the Lord. While visiting with a church in Washington, I had the pleasure of speaking with Teresa, a lady who has been involved with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. She was very confused due to their teaching but was open to hearing about salvation. I led her through the Gospel, and she accepted Christ. After she prayed, she had tears in her eyes. She said that most people who came by looked down on her when they heard she attended the Latter-Day Saints Church. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit’s leading and working through me. Pray for her and her family; pray that her husband will get saved and that they will start attending a Bible-believing church.
Many times we don’t know what we have until we see what others have to go through. This was the case when we visited a church in California. In this city it is very difficult to get land, and the building codes are very strict, so most churches meet in schools. We were able to witness what goes into setting up and taking down their church every Sunday. Their extra effort is amazing, and God is blessing. The people come together every Sunday after church and labor to pick up the chairs, tables, tents, sound system, and even carpets.
The Lord has been so good to us. We would love to share the news of our fourth child to be born in May! Some say there’s not as much applause when you announce your fourth, but we feel privileged that God would bless us with another little person to raise for Him.
In August, two of our team members were able to visit Kenya for a pastors’ conference and see over 150 people led to Christ, including a Somalian man. This man could one day return to Somalia and spread the love of Christ in a great way.
Prayer Requests
• Family’s overall heath during these cold months
• Health of Elizabeth and the new baby
• A power-steering rack for our van
• Preparation of the hearts of the Kenyan people
• Teaching of doctrine by the Kenyan pastors to their people
Fellow servants in Christ,
The McDonalds