Before we had the last shutdown due to COVID, we had a family visit several times. Once the shutdown ended, they continued coming to church. As I was able to spend more time with them, I came to understand how solid of a church background they have. I was able to go to their home and talk with them for quite some time. During that talk, I was able to do a budget with them, and I realized that they had a significant negative balance every month. We looked at what they could cut from their budget and decided they were just not making enough income. Since then, we were able to help David start a business during his days off. He has been able to triple his income in just a few months and will likely be able to leave his job to do the business full-time. It has been such a blessing to see how God has blessed a faithful family in a time of need.
During the last school break, David’s two oldest sons were home. One is in college, and the other is in high school. I was able to have Bible studies in their home during the break to teach basic Bible doctrines. We had a great time studying together. We had as many as six people participating. The oldest son Godrick and I spent time together working on soul winning and how to lead someone to Christ. One day I was scheduled to go to meet with Godrick, and it was raining. A local gardener was unable to work, so I took Godrick along with me to visit the gardener. I was able to practice with Godrick on how to lead someone to Christ with the gardener, and he received Christ. Godrick and I also went out into the neighborhood and were able to witness to several people together. One day we saw a young man walking. We invited him to church and witnessed to him. I had Godrick take the lead, and I was able to help him through the Gospel presentation. As he goes back to school, I pray he has an opportunity to witness to those God brings across his path.
One of the Saturdays during school break, we switched up our regular visiting a bit. My family picked up David’s children and went to an area close by. We handed out about 100 invitations in a neighborhood and then went to an area where some children were playing soccer. We decided to do two separate games, one for the smaller children and one for the bigger kids. Each group seemed to have a good time. I played goal keeper because my knee couldn’t handle trying to run on a slanted field that was filled with rocks. After the second game, I told the kids I would be preaching in five minutes and told them where to go. To my delight, many chose to listen. I preached the Gospel to about 30 kids, ranging in age from about 10-18. At least half responded and called upon Christ.
After going to David’s house to teach Godrick how to lead someone to Christ, his wife requested that I come and give the Gospel to two of her neighbors, Anne and Veronica. I was going to do a Bible study with the family on salvation first and then witness to the neighbors, but they came in towards the beginning. I stopped and focused on witnessing. I normally start witnessing by asking how sure they are that they would go to Heaven if they died today. Each answered that they were about 50-percent sure. After going through the Gospel, I gave an opportunity for the two neighbors to call on Christ. Both said they had already received the gift of salvation. I pray they gained some understanding about salvation. After that, I invited them to stay for the Bible study that was also on salvation. They chose to stay, which was a blessing. Both came to church several times.
During our summer break, my mother-in-law sent us money for our kids to go to a day camp. They decided to go to a basketball camp. I was surprised that we were able to find one. I was excited to share basketball with my children because it was my favorite sport as a child. They had a great time going to camp every day. I was thrilled for the opportunity to interact with some middle-class families. We have had a really hard time reaching the middle class because we are not allowed into their neighborhoods. All are gated communities or gated apartment buildings, and in almost all of them, we have not even been allowed to put an invitation on the doors. They run a program on Saturdays during the school year from 8:30 – 10:30. We may participate once a month in an effort to try to reach some of the families. I was already able to have a great conversation with one of the fathers. Please join us in praying for God to open doors with the middle class.
Corey McDonald
- Annabelle is greeting people and handing out songbooks.
- I am preaching after we played soccer. Godrick is interpreting.
- More kids at the soccer field
- At the soccer field
- Godrick is receiving his Bible. Bibles are given to those who come to church for 10 weeks.
- Couples’ outing
- Leading the singing at church while holding our little one
- Couples’ outing