I have purposely delayed sending this letter, as I wanted to be able to update you on my health situation mentioned last fall. The heart tests I had done did in fact show that I again had some blockages that needed to be addressed. In 2017, I had one stent put in while in the Philippines, and it has worked well. However, another artery had reached the point of 90% blockage, so I had to have another stent put in at the end of November 2021. The procedure went well, and I have now been going to cardiac rehab for about seven weeks. I am feeling a lot better. Thank you for your prayers.
The past couple of years have been difficult for most national pastors because of so many restrictions placed on them by their governments. Many have not been able to meet regularly, if even at all. We have tried to stay in touch with them through Zoom calls and messaging and provide teaching and training where possible. The TAN program has been a big help, and we are hoping to expand it even more this year. We thank the Lord that we have been able to provide funds for a couple of smaller projects.
This year I will reach a few milestones in my life and ministry:
• I will turn 75 years of age in June.
• In August, I will celebrate 40 years as an ordained preacher of the Gospel.
• Kay and I will be married 20 years in October
Time is running out, and there is much we would still like to do. I would love to be able to travel back to the Philippines one more time in August to help Gospel Baptist Church, Bacolod City, celebrate its 20th anniversary since I founded it in 2002. It will cost at least $6,000, and I would like you to pray that God will give me direction and provide the funds if we are to go.
Gospel Baptist Church has been able to start at least three churches in the past couple of years, and one of its Bible college graduates needs some help completing his building. I would love to be able to raise about $2,000 to help him and another pastor complete their projects. Would you consider having a part?
Once again, we thank you for your many prayers and continued financial support as we strive to help scores of pastors and missionaries throughout Asia.
The Vests

One of the Bible college graduates of Gospel Baptist Church in Bacolod City needs help finishing up his building.