Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support!
Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
We hosted our 14th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference August 10-13. Our theme was “Building Stronger Marriages.” Pastor Wilkerson came to be our main speaker, and Bro. Lawrence Williams, who served on our mission team for over five years, and his wife Tammy came and did some teaching. It was a great conference! During the day sessions, my wife and I hosted a conference for all the single delegates. Many of them made good decisions regarding how they will date and choose a spouse. We had about 150 single delegates and a total of over 340 registered delegates.
School Preaching
In August and September, I was able to preach at two junior high schools, along with some of our staff men. We were able to preach at each school for three weeks. We then distributed salvation work booklets for the students to fill out. Those who completed the booklets and could show that they understood the Gospel were given a New Testament. We had over 100 students who professed faith in Christ and were able to qualify to get the New Testaments! When we first went to the schools, most of the students testified that they thought salvation was through being righteous and obeying God’s commandments; it was such a blessing to hear student after student testify that their former belief was wrong and that they now believed that salvation is through faith in Jesus alone!
Soul Winning and Discipleship
I have been meeting weekly with David Nkrumah, a man I led to Christ in May of this year, to study the Bible together and work through our church’s discipleship lessons. David followed the Lord in baptism in August! He went soul winning with me in September and took me to preach the Gospel to three of his friends. I had asked prayer in an earlier prayer letter for David to get a place to live, as he was sleeping at a bus station. I thank the Lord that David was able to move into a room recently. It has been a great blessing to him, because we have been getting a lot of rain this rainy season! David is currently working to get an opportunity for us to preach at a school he used to attend for those who are handicapped. Please pray that God will open this door for us.
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Senior pastors who attended our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
- David getting baptized
- Group picture during a daytime session at our Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference