Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support!
In my last prayer letter, I shared how my neighbor Charles and his wife Fati recently trusted Christ as their Saviour. On April 30, they followed the Lord in baptism, along with their son Prince! They also joined our church in May! Please continue to pray for their growth. (Pictures on the right are of Charles and Fati getting baptized.)
In my last prayer letter, I also shared about a young man by the name of Prince Akuoko, whom I was able to lead to Christ. He followed the Lord in baptism in March and then joined our church in April. I have been able to start studying the Bible with Prince in his home. We have worked through two of our church’s discipleship lessons. We have also been able to go soul winning together. I had the privilege of leading Prince’s mother and brother to Christ, along with two of his friends! Prince’s mother Comfort has also followed the Lord in baptism, and she joined our church in May! Please pray for Prince and Comfort to continue to grow. Also, please pray for Prince to find a good job.4666
Our April Visitor-Emphasis Program was very fruitful. We had many visitors attend our Sunday school class, and five people from our class joined the church in May.
Christian Dating Seminar
Pastor Kingsley Addai, who pastors our daughter church in Mamponteng, invited Lindsey and me to come to his church and teach his teens and single adults about Christian dating. We were able to go to his church on May 1 and teach his teens and single adults. It was a wonderful time of fellowship and instruction! Many young people made good decisions concerning dating and marriage.
School Preaching
I was able to preach at a nearby junior high school for 5 weeks in April and May to about 100 students. Many of the students professed faith in Christ! We were also able to distribute salvation booklets and New Testaments to the students. Please pray for God to continue to open doors for us to preach in the schools here.
SMITE Youth Camp
We will be conducting a SMITE (Students Missions Institute for Training in Evangelism) youth camp at our church on June 19-23. We will be teaching the youth how to conduct Bible Clubs for children and how to lead children to Christ. Please pray for God to bless this program and for many children to be saved. Also, pray for many youth to surrender their lives to serve God.
Thank you for partnering with us! It is the thrill of our lives to serve the Lord here in Ghana!
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Our neighbor Fati (Charles’ wife) being baptized by Bro. Mike Sarver
- We taught a Christian Dating Seminar to the teens and young adults at Pastor Kingsley Addai’s church in Mamponteng.
- Our neighbor Charles being baptized by Bro. Mike Sarver