Thank you for your faithful financial and prayer support!
Soul Winning and Discipleship
The harvest is truly plenteous here in Ghana! It is such a blessing for Lindsey and me to be able to preach to lost souls on a weekly basis and also to see Josiah start to share the Gospel with others. Recently, Josiah started helping out at a Bible Club on Saturdays. He has been able to win some of the boys who attend to Christ. On November 21, his convert Solomon came to church and followed the Lord in baptism! Josiah has also witnessed to several of his classmates at school in the last few months. Praise the Lord! Please pray that he keeps a heart for lost souls.
On November 6, I was able to preach the Gospel to Ignatius and Priscilla. Both of them had a knowledge of Christ but thought they must obey God’s commandments to go to Heaven. After speaking to them for well over an hour, they both wanted to place their faith in Christ alone for salvation. On November 20, Lindsey was able to preach the Gospel to an elderly lady named Cecilia. She so sweetly trusted Christ as her Saviour. The following week, Lindsey was able to lead Cecilia’s daughter Grace to Christ. Please pray for the growth of these converts.
A young man named Bernard recently started attending my Sunday school class. I have started working through our church’s discipleship lessons with him. Please pray for him to grow.
Fundamental Baptist Church International’s 15-Year Anniversary
On November 14, our church celebrated its 15-year anniversary! It has been such a blessing to see God bless our church over the years. In the past 15 years, we have been able to train and send out many men to start churches. We have also seen many ministries added. We now have a weekly TV ministry that reaches to all of Ghana and many other countries in Africa. We had a great day of fun and fellowship, with over 900 in attendance. All praise to the Lord!
Special Prayer Requests
• During the month of December, men from our church will be preaching on four different radio stations each week. Please pray that many will listen to the preaching, be saved, and follow Christ. Pray for all of us who will preach to have wisdom and power.
• On December 21, we will be taking used clothing and other items to give to people in the village of Kunsu. Our church there is inviting many visitors to come to be a part of the program. We plan to preach to all the visitors who come. Please pray that many will be saved and join our church in Kunsu.
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Cecilia and her grandchildren
- Our Sunday school class on Anniversary Sunday
- Josiah and Solomon
- Ignatius (on the right) and Priscilla