Thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support!
Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
August 14-18, we conducted our 16th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference. Our theme was “How to Grow Your Church.” It was a great conference! Pastor Speer, Dr. Mike Sarver, and I taught many sessions on the topic of growth. Many of our church staff also taught split sessions.
We had over 350 registered delegates from Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo, Nigeria, and many regions in Ghana; and 74 churches were represented at our conference this year. To God be the glory! Please pray that we will grow and that those who came to our conference will grow, so that we can reach more people for Christ!
On September 2, I was able to witness to a lady named Afia. She was so happy to hear the Gospel! She said, “This message is so sweet!” She readily trusted Christ for salvation! She came to church the next day with her three boys and also followed the Lord in baptism! Please pray for Afia to be established in the faith and to become a disciple of Christ.
A few months ago while out soul winning, I met a lady named Portia. She has ten children and faces financial hardship. She has come to church several times. I was able to take a soul-winning partner to her house on September 29, and she and some of her children trusted Christ as their Saviour! Please pray for her to grow and for God to provide her daily needs.
Medical Missions Clinics
We will be partnering with a group of doctors from the USA to conduct 6 one-day medical clinics in 6 different villages where we have daughter churches. Please pray for many people to be helped, for many souls to be saved, and for people to be added to our daughter churches.
In Christ,
Charles, Lindsey, and Josiah Osgood
- Portia and a couple of her 10 children trusted Christ!
- 16th Annual Pastors’ and Workers’ Conference
- Pastors who attended our conference
- Afia was recently saved and baptized.